OGF21 - Seattle, WA Condor/VDT Deployment Testing Peter Couvares Condor Team
Principles Automate, automate, automate –Humans are slow and expensive. Not to mention unreliable and lazy. That’s what makes us so much more fun than machines, but it cripples testing.
Principles First things first… –Builds –Packaging –Installs –Deployment –Tests
Principles Recursion! –If your software can’t be used to test your software, you’ve got a problem.
Principles Use a common testing infrastructure –Leverage everyone else’s work to test yours –Let others test your software’s interoperation with theirs
Condor Testing Automate, automate, automate. First things first… Recursion! Common testing infrastructure.
VDT Testing Automate, automate, automate. First things first… Recursion? Common testing infrastructure.
Take-Away Thoughts If you're not yet automating your build, packaging, and install process, don't put the cart before the horse -- do all that first. Automate deployment so your tests can run on the grid, not just your private testbed. Test in a place where your software can easily be tested with (and by) others’… for your own sake.