GBT Focal Plane Array Development Program Steven White Program Manager
Personnel Jay Lockman and DJ Pisano, Project Scientist Jay Lockman and DJ Pisano, Project Scientist Steve White, Project Manager Steve White, Project Manager Matt Morgan, Project Engineer Matt Morgan, Project Engineer Kamaljeet Saini and Roger Norrod, System Specifications Kamaljeet Saini and Roger Norrod, System Specifications Sivasankaran Srikanth, EM component Sivasankaran Srikanth, EM component Bob Simon, Mechanical Design Bob Simon, Mechanical Design Eric Bryerton, Noise Calibration Eric Bryerton, Noise Calibration Gary Anderson, Lo Design Gary Anderson, Lo Design Bob Garwood and Amy Shelton, Data Pipeline Software Bob Garwood and Amy Shelton, Data Pipeline Software Dennis Egan, Component Construction Dennis Egan, Component Construction John Ford and Galen Watts, M&C Hardware Design John Ford and Galen Watts, M&C Hardware Design
K band Justification Science workshop determined efficiency improvements necessary for K Band: weather, observing requests, mapping programs. Science workshop determined efficiency improvements necessary for K Band: weather, observing requests, mapping programs. Lockheed-Martin funds made available for new projects. A proposal for a full 61 pixel K band receiver requiring a new spectrometer and IF system submitted. Lockheed-Martin funds made available for new projects. A proposal for a full 61 pixel K band receiver requiring a new spectrometer and IF system submitted. Only enough funds for the receiver only, so the project was de-scoped to seven pixels that meets science objectives as specified in the science case. Only enough funds for the receiver only, so the project was de-scoped to seven pixels that meets science objectives as specified in the science case. $1.2 M Total $1.2 M Total $0.19 M Parts $0.19 M Parts $0.2 M Contingency $0.2 M Contingency $0.83 M Labor $0.83 M Labor The K band seven pixel focal plane array is the path finder instrument: a necessary first step and feasible considering time frame. The K band seven pixel focal plane array is the path finder instrument: a necessary first step and feasible considering time frame. Seven pixel array construction by June, 2009 Seven pixel array construction by June, 2009 Production use by November, Production use by November, 2010.
Purpose of Review Does the seven pixel FPA design concept specify an instrument that will accomplish science objectives? Does the seven pixel FPA design concept specify an instrument that will accomplish science objectives? Are the system specifications sufficient and complete? Do the component designs comply with the system specifications? Are the system specifications sufficient and complete? Do the component designs comply with the system specifications? Is the seven pixel receiver design expandable to ~61 pixels? Is the seven pixel receiver design expandable to ~61 pixels? Is the schedule achievable, project plan reasonable, and commissioning plan reasonable? Is the schedule achievable, project plan reasonable, and commissioning plan reasonable? Is the software development and data analysis approach reasonable and expandable for the FPA program. Is the software development and data analysis approach reasonable and expandable for the FPA program.
K-band FPA Deliverables Frontend Frontend Cryogenic Package Cryogenic Package Modular Downconverter Modular Downconverter Modular Noise Calibration Modular Noise Calibration Mechanical Packaging Mechanical Packaging Software Software Package for Engineering and M&C Package for Engineering and M&C Package for data analysis Package for data analysis Cost per channel. Cost per channel. Canadian Collaborations enhance capabilities with additional data analysis software. Provide a spectrometer around time of commissioning seven pixel instrument. Canadian Collaborations enhance capabilities with additional data analysis software. Provide a spectrometer around time of commissioning seven pixel instrument.
Milestones 02/28/08 Conceptual Design Review acceptance. 02/28/08 Conceptual Design Review acceptance. 05/08/08 Single Pixel Construction Complete 05/08/08 Single Pixel Construction Complete 05/13/08 M&C Hardware Module with support software complete. 05/13/08 M&C Hardware Module with support software complete. 08/08/08 Single Pixel Testing Complete: Critical Design Review acceptance. 08/08/08 Single Pixel Testing Complete: Critical Design Review acceptance. 01/06/09 Multi-pixel Dewar Assembly complete. 01/06/09 Multi-pixel Dewar Assembly complete. 02/13/09 Observing Support software complete. 02/13/09 Observing Support software complete. 06/09/09 Multi-pixel Testing Construction complete. 06/09/09 Multi-pixel Testing Construction complete. 11/03/09 System Integrate & LAB Test complete. 11/03/09 System Integrate & LAB Test complete. 02/18/10 Data Analysis software complete 02/18/10 Data Analysis software complete 04/06/10 Telescope Testing complete. 04/06/10 Telescope Testing complete. 11/08/10 Commissioning complete. 11/08/10 Commissioning complete.
Compromises What feed location can be sacrificed for bracing, refrigerator installation? What feed location can be sacrificed for bracing, refrigerator installation? Shifting the band to higher frequencies increases costs and impacts schedule. (Isolator NRE and development) Shifting the band to higher frequencies increases costs and impacts schedule. (Isolator NRE and development) What is the best arrangement, missing elements? What is the best arrangement, missing elements?
Future FPA Developments Significantly enhanced spectrometer with this new array and existing IF system. (Canadian Collaboration with Letter of Understanding) Significantly enhanced spectrometer with this new array and existing IF system. (Canadian Collaboration with Letter of Understanding) New digital I.F. distribution system. (Spectrometer and technology dependent). New digital I.F. distribution system. (Spectrometer and technology dependent). Expanded focal plane array (perhaps at a different frequency) Expanded focal plane array (perhaps at a different frequency) Phased, expandable software development to match hardware capabilities. (Canadian Collaboration with Letter of Understanding) Phased, expandable software development to match hardware capabilities. (Canadian Collaboration with Letter of Understanding)