Portfolio of Creative Skills MAKING Pages AS Product Design Portfolio of Creative Skills MAKING Pages
Page 1 Product Photos Exploded isometric sketch Label materials Design Brief To make a replica model of a _____________ from the photos and working drawing. It should be to scale 1:1 with tolerances of ±1mm. The replica will include a new piece of packaging for the ____________and a new design for the surface graphics. Exploded isometric sketch Label materials Label adhesives Label sizes Specification It must be completed with a tolerance of ±1mm. It must be as realistic as possible. It must be finished to a high standard. It must be completed within 15 hours. It must be made from materials given. More… (include specification points for your product and packaging) Gloss appearance, durability, variety of processes etc Materials 3mm, 6mm, 9mm MDF 3mm acrylic (various colours, including clear) Spray primer Spray paint Paper Card (230, 380 and 600 GSM) Car body filler 50mm styrofoam Jellutong. Product Photos NAME Design Brief
Page 2 Label: Sizes Materials Adhesives Risk Assessment Net of box and all of the box parts labelled with materials used Risk Assessment All machines and processes you have used on your project (product AND packaging) Laser Cutter Hazard Risk People at Risk Control Measure Explain hazard Student or teacher or both What can you do to avoid it Belt sander Hazard Risk People at Risk Control Measure Choking Dust can be inhaled Student Ensure the extractor is on. Dust mask can be used. Etc. NAME RISK ASSESSMENT
Page 3 Flow chart Gantt Chart All steps Feedback Start / end Product AND packaging (1 flow chart can be done for each) Gantt Chart Time in hours at the top Do 15 or 30 minute intervals
Page 4 OR Making process photos Making log Label health and safety points – be specific Lots of photos Roughly in order Explain what you did on each part Machines / processes Materials OR Making log Step by step Focus on health and safety – be specific In order of making Machines
Making Log Example
Page 5 – making photos Photos of model AND packaging NAME Making
sliding mechanisms, aesthetics, original dimensions, quality of finish, ergonomic aspects, packaging, quality of finish Room Specification Point Test Results Evidence What are you testing and why? Relevant, measurable, specific Photos etc Range of visual, tolerance, physical tests Any other points? Specification Point Comments _________ & Packaging Specification Point Test Results Evidence What are you testing and why? Relevant, measurable, specific Photos etc Any other points? Specification Point Comments 6 - Testing & Specification Check
Test 1 - Visual Photo evidence Surface finish Joints Colour Fonts (readability – survey for this?)
Test 2 - Tolerance Photo evidence Check sizes Several things the same size Measure a scale Ergonomics
Test 3 - Physical Density Electrical conductivity Electrical insulators Thermal properties Conductivity Insulator Optical properties Opaque Translucent Transparent Magnetism Malleability – The ability to withstand deformation. Ductility – The ability to be drawn out. Toughness – The ability to withstand sudden impact. Elasticity – The ability to flex and bend. Plasticity – The ability to be shaped permanently. Hardness – The ability to resist wear, indentation or deformation. Durability – The ability to withstand wear and tear, weathering or deterioration. Stability – The ability to resist changes in size and shape due to its environment. Strength – Tensile, Compressive, Bending, Shear and Torsional.
sliding mechanisms, aesthetics, original dimensions, quality of finish, ergonomic aspects, packaging, quality of finish Room Specification Point Test Results Evidence What are you testing and why? Relevant, measurable, specific Photos etc Range of visual, tolerance, physical tests Any other points? Test: sliding mechanisms, aesthetics, original dimensions, quality of finish, ergonomic aspects, packaging, quality of finish Specification Point Comments _________ & Packaging Specification Point Test Results Evidence What are you testing and why? Relevant, measurable, specific Photos etc Any other points? Physical: Durability Transparency Hardness Stability etc Visual: Surface finish Joints Colour Fonts (readability) Tolerance: Check scale Several things the same size Compare sizes Ergonomics Specification Point Comments 6 - Testing & Specification Check
Photos of final product being tested by 3rd party – get them in it! sliding mechanisms, aesthetics, original dimensions, quality of finish, ergonomic aspects, packaging, quality of finish 3rd Party Testing Design Brief How well does it meet the brief? How and why? Survey asking user / 3rd party Introduction – who will you ask, what do you plan to do and why? Justification of Materials and Processes 1. Write question 1 2. Write question 2 Material / Process Justification e.g. MDF Explain why you chose the material / process. What was so good about it? e.g. Vacuum forming e.g. Wood lathe e.g. styrofoam What have you found out? Why is it useful to you? What have you found out? Why is it useful to you? 3. Write question 3 4. Write question 4 What have you found out? Why is it useful to you? What have you found out? Why is it useful to you? Summary What have you found out? Why is it useful to you overall? Photos of final product being tested by 3rd party – get them in it! Explain what the photos are of and why you took them. What did you learn from the testing? Evaluation (your opinion) Strengths and weaknesses of process Strengths and weaknesses of product Do you think you’ve met the specification? How and why? Comments Comments from users (name them) 7- 3rd Party Testing
Example 2