ATSJ VISION A City that supports a high quality of life where calm and friendly streets encourage the connection between people and neighbourhoods, and the priority is the safe passage of people on foot, cycle, bus and wheelchair.
MISSION STATEMENT Promote and encourage human powered modes of transportation for fitness, fun and commuting. Contribute to the building of vibrant, welcoming spaces that safely accommodate all road users. Encourage a people friendly city that enhances our health, community and environment through high quality active transportation options.
VISION 2015 ATSJ vision mirrors the Vision 2015 goal: – “ Our City has magnificent waterfronts with public access and bicycle and pedestrian trails that connect the entire city. Life without a car is possible,” ATSJ fully supports active transportation as a key element of sustainable development.
Active Transportation in Progress Proposing a street and trail network that connects neighbourhoods and communities. Implementing bike lanes as new infrastructure and development occurs. Green and alternate transportation elements considered for future parking structures and other uptown developments and locations. Bike racks are on all comeX buses and proposed for all city routes.
BIKE LANES CYCLE ROUTES Douglas Avenue Manawagonish Road Bentley Street Church Avenue Dever Road
ATSJ RECOMMENDATIONS North of Union Development
ATSJ POSITION on NoU ATSJ is excited about the development opportunity north of Union Street and the future possibilities this may bring. We encourage the City and partners to remain focused on developing a people oriented, vibrant, sustainable and safe area which addresses quality of life issues and not the unsustainable wants of an auto-dependent society.
1. INCLUDE BIKE LANES Lanes in both directions preferably separated by a median. Where the road is too narrow for a dedicated bike lane, use Sharrows - painted symbols on street or curb that remind motorists and cyclists of the responsibility to share the road and be courteous.
2. BIKE PARKING AT NEW BUILDINGS Build short-term and commuter bike parking options. Include bike racks on street and bike lockers or storage in parking garage within sight of attendant.
3. CREATE TRANSPORATION HUB Avoid making a dead zone with low-public uses along the street frontage. Focus on creating a people- oriented space. Consider: a main bus stop with small retail facilities such as a news stand, coffee counter, flower carts, that create a link to the public open space and creates a reason for people to be there.
4. MAKE UNION STREET SAFER Union Street must become safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Eliminate wide cross walks that increase the possibility and incidence of pedestrian-auto accidents. Maximize Union St. capacity via synchronized traffic lights and intersection improvements, not by making it a 4-lane corridor. We suggest 2-3 lanes and with 2 bike lanes with short cross walks. Sidewalks should be wide enough for bistro tables, trees and street furniture. In short, create a vibrant streetscape where people want to live, shop and start a small business.
5. FOLLOW LEED NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES A cornerstone of LEED for Neighbourhood development is to create an environment where amenities are universally accessible and the pedestrian environment is welcoming. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a benchmark system to evaluate the sustainability of development. LEED for Neighbourhood Development pilot project is built around the idea that dense, walkable neighbourhoods providing a mix of housing types, transportation options and local amenities are the most responsible kind of development.
6. BICYCLE STORAGE AND CHANGE ROOMS Every public building should have either bike racks or storage. LEED certification gives points for “Bicycle Storage and Change Rooms” under Credit 4.2 for commercial buildings. We understand the buildings in this area are considering being LEEDs certified and this is one further contribution to building a sustainable community.
7. WALKABLE VIBRANT STREETSCAPE AND OPEN PLAZA Close minor streets to through vehicles and develop open plazas to encourage a vibrant street life. The human scale of the peninsula should be maximized for active transportation options and the creation of a people oriented and compact community.
8. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE COMPLEX Accessibility must be incorporated in all facets of development from sidewalks, pedways, buildings and parking garage.
ATSJ POSITION We fully endorse the advancement of the City as a balanced community that maximizes its potential and serves the evolving and diverse needs of society. This includes integrating the growing need for alternative and active transportation, provided in a sustainable and thoughtful manner.
ATSJ Thank You