Binder Distributor Accreditation 22 November 2005 RPF Pretoria
History of events RPF task team formed in May 2002 to address issues related to the use of Binder Distributors Recommendations were made and accepted by RPF Resolution passed at RFP in May 2003 to develop a frame work for accrediting BD Meeting held in Pretoria September 2003 with representatives of all Provincial DoT’s BD accreditation scheme proposed by Barry Dumas of PAWC and RPF in November 2003 Sabita appointed VKE in November 2004 to draft a manual on the requirements and testing of BD to replace outdated TMH 2
Implementation of BD accreditation scheme Based on the Australian scheme Industry should strive to be self regulatory Appoint an independent service provider to conduct calibration of BD at client fixed pit facilities Service provider to comply with ISO/SANAS requirements National service provider to issue calibration certificates for each binder distributor Sabita to post details on each binder distributor on their website
Proposed BD accreditation scheme Facility National service provider COTO (RMC) Certification Certification records Sabita Website Clients SANAS Accreditation Tester
Latest developments Meeting held with KZN DoT & SRT to explore implementing pilot scheme to outsource calibration testing Issues and concerns facing client and service provider with outsourcing the testing have been identified RMC has been informed of the proposal to extend the scheme to other testing centres Sabita to assist in drafting a MOU between both parties for implementing the pilot project
Points to consider Outsourcing of services currently undertaken by Government Roles & responsibilities of service provider versus client Cost implications –ongoing maintenance –replacement of oil
Guideline document 1.General information on mechanical requirements of binder distributors 2.Tests to be conducted at accredited testing facility –Visual inspection –Dipstick –Power –Pump output –Transverse distribution –Road speed indicator –Thermometers –Nozzles 3.Tests and procedures to be conducted on-site –Log book –‘Bakkie’ test
Outstanding issues Develop programme to improve correlation between fix pit transverse calibration and ‘bakkie’ test –Barry Dumas Rewriting test methods so that they are compliant with acceptable standards –Basie Nothnagel