You could qualify for up to $2,500 in rebates! Want to learn more…? Get a $50 rebate for what you already do: transferring data, training customer staff, or providing other services. Sell three Microsoft® Office Small Business 2007 or Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Medialess License Kits (MLKs), and deliver one Microsoft Office–related service to any customer. Take care of business. Take a $50US rebate.
Between August 15, 2008, and November 15, 2008, you can qualify for a $50 rebate when you sell three Microsoft Office Small Business or Microsoft Office Professional Medialess License Kits and deliver one Microsoft Office–related consulting or support service. Up to 50 redemptions per participant! Visit for details. Here is how it works: 3 Microsoft Office Small Business or Microsoft Office Professional Medialess License Kits 1 Microsoft Office- related service 3 Medialess License Kit Certificate of Authenticity numbers and 1 Microsoft Office-related service invoice Rebate
Promotion Highlights o The Microsoft Office Small Business and Microsoft Office Professional Medialess License Kit services rebate will run from August 15, 2008, to November 15, All Microsoft Office-related services must be completed during this timeframe. All rebate claims must be submitted by December 15, o Only Microsoft Office Small Business and Microsoft Office Professional Medialess License Kits (MLKs) qualify for this rebate. To make a rebate claim, you must submit three Certificate of Authenticity (COA) numbers and one customer invoice showing a Microsoft Office-related service. The MLKs can have been sold to from one to three customers, and the services to a fourth customer. o Both generic and branded licenses are eligible. o The rebate offer is limited to 50 redemptions per reseller/system builder. o Questions can be sent to o The full terms and conditions can be found online at