Living in the United States Miss Nolan Saint Anastasia September 2011
Regions And Landforms Region-an area in which places share similar characteristics Landform-a natural feature on Earth’s surface, such as a mountain or river –Places within a region may share certain landforms
The Five Regions Northeast region Southeast region Midwest region Southwest region West region
Highest and Lowest Landforms Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mt. McKinley (Alaska) is the highest mountain in the U.S. Shores of the Dead Sea are the lowest point in the world. Death Valley (California) is the lowest point in the U.S.
Weather vs. Climate Weather-the condition of the air at a certain time and place. Climate-the weather of a place averaged over a long period of time
Three Causes of Climate 1) The distance a place is from an equator 2) How far a place is from a large body of water such as an ocean 3) Elevation-how high a place is above sea level
Types of Climates Tropical-very warm all year Polar-coldest climate Subarctic-warm periods in summer are short, and parts of the state are covered in snow most of the year Temperate-moderate in temperature
Natural Resource Raw Material Natural resource-something in the environment people can use –For ex: forests, soil, water, and plants Raw materials-natural resources that have been changed or processed so that people can use them to make other products –Oak tree (natural resource) lumber (raw material) used to build homes or furniture –Wheat flour bread, cake, pancakes
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources Renewable resource-can be replaced –Trees, soil, and water Nonrenewable resources-cannot be replaced –Fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil What are some ways we can conserve nonrenewable resources?