Solar Energy By: Tiara Garner
What is Solar Energy? Solar energy is the radiant energy produced by the Sun. This source of energy is renewable This source of energy is used world-wide by many people.
Solar Panels Solar panels create electricity in a process. When photons hits the solar cell, the electrons contained in the solar cells material absorb the solar energy. Then it transforms the electrons into conduction electrons. The electrons then become free and carry an electron charge through the circuit of destination. PV Cells also known as “Photovoltaic Cells” are cells made from special materials called semiconductors such as silicon for an example. Silicon is used most commonly as a semiconductor.
Solar Thermal Power Plants There are many different types of power plants, Solar Thermal happens to be one of many power plants in the world. A Solar thermal power plant is similar to a coal power plant. Solar thermal power plants generate electricity indirectly. Heat from the suns rays is collected and used to heat a fluid, The steam produced from the heated fluid powers a generator that produces electricity.
Advantages of Solar Energy Saves a lot of money After the initial starting cost and installment of the panels has been recovered, the energy from the sun is basically FREE. Environmentally Friendly The energy is clean, renewable and sustainable, helping to protect our environment. Low/ no maintenance Systems are virtually maintenance free and will last for decades.
Disadvantages of Solar Energy Starting Cost Capital costs for installing a home solar system or building a solar farm are high. Doesn’t work at night To produce solar electricity there must be sunlight. So energy must be stored or sourced elsewhere at night. Storing Solar Solar electricity storage technology has not reached its potential yet.
Where in the US is the best solar potential? Arizona Best place in the US for generating solar power. Very close to the equator. Las Vegas One of the sunniest cities in the country. Texas