2010 in the Providence Part 3 of 4
Cheon Gi Year 1 Providence 1.Dedication and Providence for Bequeathed of Gods 8 Textbooks and Teaching Material 2.Coronation, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Legacy of peace on the Foundation of the Abel UN 3.World Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word of God and the Settlement of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 4. Cosmic Assembly and Special JungSung Worship
Lecture III World Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word of God and the Settlement of True Parents of Heaven. Earth and Humankind Cheon Gi Year 1 HC 12/29 (2/1/11)
A.Proclamation 1.Cheon Jeong Gung Museum in Korea: 7/8/10, aprox people. 2.Manhattan Center in New York, USA: 7/24/10 approx people. 3.Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel 8/23/10 approx. 500 (46 nations) I. Introduction
B. Implied Meaning of the Proclamation Through this proclamation ceremony, all the borderlines in the entire cosmos have been abolished. Consequently, centering on the autonomous God, Heaven and Earth shall exist eternally, night and day, under God's reign and with the support of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. - July 24,
C. Significance of the Proclamation 1.Proclamation of the Ultimate Unity of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 2.Proclamation of the settlement of Korea the destination of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 3. Proclamation of the Substantial Word of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
A.Providence is a Proclamation War 1.Content which True Parent have completed and is to be completed by blessed families 2.On the foundation of victory from Satan 3.Not a concept but substance (Genesis 2:19) 4.Confirmation of boundary from Satan 5.Realm of protection is formed within the realm of protection II. Providential Background
B. Las Vegas Special Proclamation 1.Providence of the first half of 2010 a. Dedication of the 8TTM (2/7/10) b. Opening of the gate of the Era of the Heavenly Calendar (2/14/10)
c. Honoring the Coronation, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Legacy of Peace on the Foundation of the Abel UN (4/29/10) d. Ultimate Unity of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (6/19/10)
2. Course of Final One Body of True Father and True Mother a. Holy Wedding, From Behind of True Father (4/11/60) b. From Behind to Side (7/1/91) c. From side to equal position (6/14/99)
d. From equal position to equal authority (6/1/00) e. From equal authority to one body with True Father (2/3/03) f. From to one body with True Father to God’s substance (6/13/06) g. From God’s substance to the position of God’s wife (4/29/10)
3. Las Vegas Special Proclamation a. Cheon Gi Year 1, Heavenly Calendar May 8, 2:20AM and May 15, 3:25AM b. Final one body of True Father and True Mother c. Proclamation was to be given on July 8, in Korea, Cheong Jeong Gung
d. True Parents are more precious than the Word and are the prototype of all values e. Handing over of the 1 st,2 nd and 3 rd Israeli Victory Ceremony to Korea f. God’s fatherland and hometown is Korea
4.The Meaning of the Hour 3:25 a. Old Testament, New Testament, Completed Testament Age and ¼ of 100 b. Old Testament, New Testament, Completed Testament Age, and the era of the realm of the heart of the 4 th Adam c. Formation, growth, perfection stage and the era of the realm of direct dominion of God
5. Korea is God’s fatherland and hometown a. The Korean War was a Holy War (7/24/10,EG) b. Korea is the fatherland and hometown of the 1 st,2 nd and 3 rd Israel. (7/15/10) c. For the purpose of finding God’s fatherland d. On the Foundation of the Settlement of TP of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
6. July 8 th as the Date of Proclamation a. Not solar, lunar or Heavenly calendar (7/5/10) b. Mathematical meaning used by God at the time of Creation c. In 7x7=49 and 7x8=56, 56 goes over the peak at the halfway d. The Providence afterwards will rapidly advance like going downhill
C. True Parents Special Jung Sung 1.Little Angels tour of the 16 nations that contributed troops to the Korean War 2.Yeosu Cheong Hae Garden special Jung Sung (7/1-7/6/10) 3.Korean Leadership Conference (7/7-7/8/10) 4. Special Jung Sung in America (7/12-7/24/10)
a. Cosmic Parents: God who is the incorporeal, spiritual and vertical b. Parents of Heaven and Earth: True Parents who are the corporeal physical, horizontal parents (1/7/03) c. True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind: God and True Parents who are Incorporeal and corporeal, spiritual and physical, vertical and horizontal.
Artist: Benny Anderssonn
A.True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is God’s Purpose of Creation 1.TP of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (10/25/03) a. Cosmic Parents: incorporeal parents b. Parents of Heaven and Earth: corporeal parents c. TP of Heaven, Earth and Humankind: Incorporeal and Corporeal parents III. Ultimate Unity of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
2.God of Night and God of Day (7/13/10) a. God of Night: God before Creation, Cosmic Parents b. God of Day: God after Creation, Parents of Heaven and Earth c. God of Night and Day: God before and after Creation, True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
3. Within True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (7/19/10) a. Ultimate Unity of God and True Parents b. God and True Parents are included c. Completion of Family Pledge 5 and 8 d. Visits Las Vegas and the completion of the Providence (6/26/10)
B.Ultimate Unity of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Origin – Division – Union Action 1.Ultimate Unity through origin – division – union action (8/15/03) a. Origin: Absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal establishment of silent sex, harmony and unification
b. Division: one mind, one body, one idea, one core, establishment of moving sex, harmony and unification c. Union: Absolute faith, absolute love, absolute obedience, absolute subject, establishment of pure love sex, harmony and unification
2. Ultimate Unity through Absolute Sex (1/15/09) a. In the place of Eve’s womb where Adam’s sperm and Eve’s egg cell become one b. God comes vertically down perpendicularly c. Absolute sex is God, Adam and Eve becoming one d. Origin of absolute sex is origin-division-union action
3. The core of ultimate unity is absolute faith absolute love and absolute obedience (10/8/99) a. Ultimate unity of God, True Father and True Mother (6/19/10) b. How did Adam and Eve fall? (2:40-41) c. Ability to distinguish and the ultimate unity of True Father and True Mother d. Ultimate unity and the Trinity: Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Daughter (8/1/96)
C. Consequences of the Ultimate Unity of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind 1.Offered and proclaimed in the era of God’s full transcendence, full immanence full authority and omnipotence 2. The Age of the Realm of God’s direct dominion
3. The title in the speech changes from Reverend Moon to True Parents (7/5/10) 4.Union of the spirit world and the physical world 5.Oneness of God and Humankind in True Love
A.Establishment and Settlement 1.TP of Heaven, Earth and Humankind will settle in Korea (6/26/10) 2. Establishment occurs at family level IV. Settlement of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
3.Settlement occurs publically at national level (11/18/09) 4. Settlement seats True Parents of heaven and Earth and Humankind on the throne (7/17/10) 5. Settlement of True Parents of heaven. Earth and Humankind is more precious than the Word (7/17/10)
B. After the proclamation - My hometown and Fatherland is Korea -Hometown and fatherland of the 1 st,2 nd and 3 rd Israel
2. Building and completion of Cheon Il Guk occurs in Korea (12/17/09) a. Providence expands from one to all things b. Koreans are people that has received special training c. Shim Chung’s filial piety, Choon Hyang’s fidelity, Yi Soon Shin’s loyalty d. Hangul the spirit of benefitting all mankind (7/8/10)
3.All blessed families must study the True Parents language a. Translations will not be used in formal gatherings (From 2/13/13) b. You can not enter Heaven if yu do not know Korean (7/10/10) c. History, culture, tradition,ideology and soul are alive in language
A.Divine Entity and Substantial Entity 1.Divine Entity: Divine self of Divinity & Substantial Self of DIvinity 2.Divine Self of Divinity: Cosmic Parents, God of Night V. Proclamation of the Substantial Word of True Parents
3.Substantial Self Divinity: True Parents, Parents of Heaven and Earth, God of Day 4. Entity of Divinity: God of Night + God of Day 5. Entity of Substance: True Parents children and descendants, Blessed Families
B. Divine Word and Substantial Word God of Night God of Day God of Night/Day Divine Self of Divinity Divine Word Substantial Self of Divinity Substantial Word Entity of Divinity Divine word/ Substantial Word Substantial Word Cosmic Parents Parents of Heaven and Earth Word of God of Night/Day Word of God of Day Word of God of Night TP of Heaven,Earth and Humankind Heavenly Language Internal Vertical Incorporeal Parents Extern. Horizontal Corporeal Parents Earthly Language Heavenly and Earthly Language Internal/External Vertical/Horizontal Incorporp./Corporeal
C. God of Day is the Substance of God of Night 1.First Adam could not become the God of Day 2.Second Adam could not become God of Day 3. Third Adam became God of Day 4.TP of Heaven, Earth and humankind = God of Night + God of Day
D. Substance and Words of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth and Humankind 1.TP of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are the prototype of all values (6/26/10) a. Relationsship between prototype and type b. Prototype is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal
c. Type is a shadow of the prototype (12/10/10) d. The way for a prototype and type to achieve oneness
2.The Word came from the substance of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind a. There is no substance of the Divine Word in the world b. In the world, people look for substance in the Word c. There is substance in the Divine Word in Unificationism (7/8/10) d. We can now find and meet the substance in the Word
3.From the “World Assembly” a. ‘Substance’ is the substance of True Parents who have become the substance of the Divine Word b. ‘Word’ are the words proclaimed by the Substance in the human language c. ‘Substance’ is more precious than the ‘Word’ d. It is because the ‘Word’ came from the ‘Substance’
E. Mission of Blessed Families 1.Know the Age of the Realm of Direct Dominion 2.8TTM Hon Dok Hwe and Blessed Families 3. Rebirth, Resurrection and Eternal Life Blessing and the SeungHwa Festival 4. Life leading the liberation of the whole realm of hell 5. Emphasis on life appropriate for the union of the spirit world and the physical world
A.The Heartistic World of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (7/19/10) 1.I am too aggrieved 2.Who is the comrade of True Parents’ heartistic world? 3. Sympathize how difficult it is to be True Parents VI. Conclusion
4.Heaven will take responsibility for those who will go together with this Word without Dying (7/5/10) 5. Listening closely to the voice of True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (2:40-41)
End Part III of IV