Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
Physical achievement under SGSY Sl. No Name of the Block Physical Target for Physical Achievement % of Phy. Ach. No. of SHG No.of Swaojr agires No. of Ind. Total Swaojr agires No. of SHG No.of Swaojr agires No. of Ind. Total Swo SADAR GONDIA ODAPADA HINDOL BHUBAN K.NAGAR K.HAD PARJANG TOTAL :
Financial achievement under SGSY Name of the Block Finacial Target for Financial Achievement % of Fin. Ach. Physic al Target Credit Mobiliz -ation Target Subsidy Target Total Loan PhysicalCredit Mobilisation SubsidyTotal Loan SADAR GONDIA ODAPADA HINDOL BHUBAN K.NAGAR K.HAD PARJANG TOTAL :
Block wise achievement of Individual Swarojgaries under different category Sl. N o. Name of the Block Cured Lepros y patient Family members of prisoners Physic ally handic apped Destit ute VictimEducat ed Un emplo yed youth Total 1.Sadar Gondia Odapada Hindol Bhuban Kamakhyan agar Kankadahad Parjang Total
SGSY INFRASTRUCTURE SGSY INFRASTRUCTURE A sum of Rs lakh has been provided to take up SGSY Infrastructure projects for the year Similarly, a sum of Rs lakh has been provided for construction of 3 numbers village haats in Sadar / Hindol / Kankadahd Block of the District. Funds to the tune of Rs lakh has been released during the financial year towards imparting training under SGSY scheme.