CHAPTER 10 The Medieval West in Crisis The West Encounters and Transformations Levack/Muir/Veldman/Maas Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 I. A Time of Death II. A Cold Wind from the East III. Economic Depression and Social Unrest IV. An Age of Warfare V. A Troubled Church and the Demand for Religious Comfort VI. The Culture of Loss
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright , Baltic freezes 1314, rains Caspian rises, floods 1316, rains continue I. A Time of Death Agricultural crisis lands depleted "Little Ice Age" Famine, A. The Black Death 1348, Italy Mortality 20-90% Response no solution
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 II. A Cold Wind from the East A. Mongol Invasions Transformation, Genghis Khan (c ) Mongol Peace Marco Polo 1275, court of Great Khan 1260, defeated by Mamluks weakening Tamerlane ( )
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 II. A Cold Wind from the East B. Ottoman Turks Osman I ( ) ghazis Byzantine Empire Michael VIII Paleologus ( ) recaptures Constantinople 1389, Battle of Kosovo defeat Serbs Mehmed II, The Conqueror ( ) , Siege of Constantinople
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 III. Economic Depression and Social Unrest A. Collapse of International Trade Tamerlane Mamluks trade made more difficult Siena 1298, run on bank Florence 1346, crash B. Rebellions from Below Guilds merchant, craft Ciompi Florence 1378, rebel Others: Ghent, Bruges 1380, Paris, Rouen Maillotins 1358, Jacquerie 1381, English Peasants Revolt Poll Tax Richard ( )
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. An Age of Warfare A. Monarchies Royal jurisdiction Edward II ( ) civil war Philip IV, the Fair ( ) Estates General, 1302 B. The Hundred Years' War, Succession crisis Charles IV, d Edward III ( ) Philip VI, Valois ( ) 1340, Sluys English victories 1346, Crécy 1356, Poitiers 1415, Agincourt Henry V,
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. An Age of Warfare B. The Hundred Years' War, , death of Henry V Henry VI, minor Dauphin, Charles (VII) son of Charles VI 1429, English control Paris, Rheims Seige of Orléans Jeanne d'Arc (c ) Dauphin crowned Charles VII ( ) Wars of the Roses,
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. An Age of Warfare C. Consequences Mixed with other conflicts Scotland, Burgundy, Netherlands France disabled English nationalism asserted Military revolution infantry armies formalized recruiting, training, drills expenses gunpowder aristocracy marginalized
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 V. A Troubled Church and the Demand for Religious Comfort A. Crises Babylonian Captivity, Popes chose Avignon Urban VI ( ) to Rome French pope elected > Great Schism, John XXIII ( ) Catherine of Siena ( ) influential in return to Rome Consiliar Movement Council of Constance ( ) Council of Basel ( ) Eugene IV ( )
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 V. A Troubled Church and the Demand for Religious Comfort B. Religious Alternatives John Wycliffe ( ) Oxford Bible the only authority Jan Hus ( ) University of Prague John XXIII excommunicates Modern Devotion Brethren of the Common Life Thomas à Kempis Imitation of Christ
Chapter 10: The Medieval West in Crisis Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 VI. The Culture of Loss A. Reminders of Death Dance of Death, 1376 poem, play Tombs "Reminders of Death“ B. Pilgrims of the Imagination Dante Alighieri ( ) The Divine Comedy, 1321 Giovanni Boccaccio ( ) The Decameron, Geoffrey Chaucer (c ) The Canterbury Tales Margery Kempe ( ) `Book, 1436 Christine de Pisan ( ) The Book of the City of Ladies (c. 1407) The Book of the Three Virtues (c. 1407) C. Defining Cultural Boundaries Iberia Reconquista by 1248 Mudejars rights eroded by 1500, Islam outlawed Jews 1492, leave or convert