2/17/10 BR- Describe the ways that a person could become a slave in ancient Greece. - Lets do a couple of cards.. Today: Growing Up Greek – Comparing the lives of kids today to those in ancient Greece -Hand in BLM 9
Chapter 10 Deals with the lives of Greek children. Major Topics Include: 1. Health 2. Education 3. Free Time (play) 4. Life in and around the home
Fact vs. Opinion One-third of all babies died before their 1 st birthday. Parent tried not to become too attached to children ________ One-third of all babies died before their 1 st birthday. Parent tried not to become too attached to children ________ ____________ Access to education was unequal. What you learned depended on your class and your gender ____________ Access to education was unequal. What you learned depended on your class and your gender
Fact vs. Opinion Husbands were much older than their wives, girls got married around 15. Most women did not choose their husbands ________ Husbands were much older than their wives, girls got married around 15. Most women did not choose their husbands ________ ____________ Women played an important role in the running of the household. Children were lucky to survive into adulthood ____________ Women played an important role in the running of the household. Children were lucky to survive into adulthood
Fact vs. Opinion Protein was hard to come by, food was hard to preserve, meat was expensive, famines killed many people or left them vulnerable to disease Weather in Greece was warm, the water was warm and clam, children played with toys, families gathered for large festivals Protein was hard to come by, food was hard to preserve, meat was expensive, famines killed many people or left them vulnerable to disease Weather in Greece was warm, the water was warm and clam, children played with toys, families gathered for large festivals ____________
Homework – For Thursday Summary Statement: Discuss the following statement: “Greek children had a tough life, but it wasn’t all bad.” What details would you use to discuss this. Use the following chart. Summary Statement: Discuss the following statement: “Greek children had a tough life, but it wasn’t all bad.” What details would you use to discuss this. Use the following chart.
Lives of Greek Children Good Good Bad Bad