Newborn’s Needs 50 Lessons Over Easy
Newborn Care After Birth
Crying is how babies communicate
From birth to 7 weeks, babies cry an average of 2hours and 15 minutes per day. At 6 weeks the crying usually increase to about 3 hours a day.
Common Reasons Babies Cry 1. Hungry 2. Tired 3. Hot or cold 4. In pain 5. Uncomfortable 6. Need a new diaper 7. Need attention 8. Reacting to a stimulant 9. Have colic
Ways to Soothe a Newborn 1. Feed them 2. Cuddle them 3. Rock them rhythmically 4. Swaddle them 5. Pat them 6. Distract them 7. Give them something to suck
Soothe A Crying Baby
Breast fed babies will feed from 8 to 14 times in a 24 hour period. Bottle feed babies fed every 3 to 4 hours. A baby will let you know often and how much to nurse.
Breast Feeding
Store Breast Milk
Mix & Store Formula
How Much & How Often to Feed Baby’s Age Average Feeding in Ounces Feeding in a typical Day Average total ounces daily First 2 Weeks 2-3 6-8 22 2-8 weeks 3-5 5-6 28 2 months 4-6 4-5 30
Sleeping Needs Newborns will be only truly alert of about 3 minutes of every day and less at night. As the baby grows, so does the period of wakefulness. By the end of the first month, most are alert for about two to 3 hours a day, most of it in a long stretch of time. Nap times can be anywhere from two to six hours at first.
Social Needs Newborns crave contact by touch, sight, smell and hearing with people especially their parents.
Newborn’s Needs Handout, pg. 81