Geoffrey Duval (ISAE-SUPAERO) Naples, October 1 st, 2012
Why modeling such complex system? Analysis of the supersonic rocket Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) Model conceived Validation case Improvements and evolutions
Context : PERSEUS project ◦ Rockets conceived and built by students ◦ New rocket each year Usual needs : ◦ Respect requirements ◦ Quick evaluation of performances Supersonic needs : ◦ Architecture optimization ◦ Formalize advanced project phase Goal of the study : ◦ To give efficient tool for preliminary definition of supersonic rocket
Functional description of all requirements : ◦ Service Function (FS) ◦ Adaptation Function (FA) Advantages : ◦ Each requirement is specified with criteria and values ◦ Easy definition of the success of the mission ◦ Classification of requirements based on their importance
Hybrid decomposition ◦ Black box method ◦ Reverse engineering Advantages : ◦ System for each function ◦ Model close to real ARES rocket
Allows to define a system as pair of component type and implementation Compare implementation (technical solution) to system definition (model) ◦ Architecture ◦ Constraints ◦ Performances Using REAL (Requirements Enforcement and Analysis Language) for computation
Simple check
Computational check
Computational check - example
Need to validate performances computed Test on Ares04Evo-Leia (2011)
Improvements on current model : ◦ Better modeling of Cx, Thrust Evolutions : ◦ Toolbox for preliminary design
Requirements automatically checked for subsonic configuration Improvements on REAL ◦ New patterns ◦ New functions Base for a preliminary design tool for PERSEUS project
Thanks for your attention, Any questions ?