Structure Membership: UNICEF, DFID,USG, World Vision, Save the Children, HelpAge, WFP, ILO, HSRC, Turn-over within group new individuals as conveners Possible new membership, WB, KfW Teleconference call March – research to action Face to face meeting later 2009 Dual interest: social assistance for tackling household vulnerability and child protection Information exchange on key initiatives e.g. AU social policy, ILO/UN on social floor etc.
Update of 2006 matrix on who does what where in relation to SP children and AIDS Opportunities for harmonization and efficiency Drawing on internal agency mapping Second step to identify priority countries for more detailed mapping Ability to draw on ESARO RIATT matrix being developed Need to include non-IATT members e.g. World Bank and Global Fund
The First International Conference in Africa on Family Based Care for Children will be held September 2009 To improve knowledge on Family Based Care for Children through sharing information and experiences To enhance the legislative and policy environment to support Family Based Care for Children in Africa To improve skills of actors in the provision of Family Based Care for Children in Africa Sub-Themes Role of Communities in Family Based Care Age and Gender perspectives in Family Based Care Policy and Legislative Frameworks providing for Family Based Care Different Forms of Interventions, Practices and Experiences in Family Based Care Institutional Care to Family Based Care Standards and the Role of Monitoring in Family Based Care
Mapping of SP who doing what where Knowledge management – gaps in research and dissemination – Strengthen linkages with regional economic bodies Translating evidence and best practice into programming action e.g. Children and AIDS regional initiative
Still to be agreed date/content/venue Presentation of agency mapping and implications for action Update on new evidence on social transfers food, cash and vouchers Operational research and knowledge management Systems strengthening updates Links to broader social protection and AIDS agenda/UNAIDS led business plans