Mahara Electronic Portfolios Kenneth Taira March 30, 2011
Why E-Portfolios In her blog, 21 Things That Will Be Obsolete by 2020, Tina Barseghian notes that things like AP Tests and SAT tests will be disappearing to be supplanted by E-Portfolios as a more accurate way of assessing a student. that-will-be-obsolete-by-2020
Why E-Portfolios A student will take more pride and put more effort in his/her work if she may show it to potential employers later Better reflective learning component An E-Portfolio is the best representation of their work and should show the totality of their education.
Why Mahara Open source Can have graphics, video, blogs, documents, etc. Students can download their e-portfolio and place it on another server
Mahara Terms An artifact is a picture, video, document, etc. that you can upload A view consists of a drag-and-drop web page of artifacts. You can create many different views for others to see and control who sees what view.
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