1 Deployment Diagram
2 הדיאגרמות
3 אבני יסוד: דיאגרמות פריסת התוכנה על גבי החומרה PackageDiagram “חבילות עבודה” מקרא: מודל סטטי מודל דינמי מודל ניהולי Statechart פונקציונליות, אינטראקציה ActivityDiagram לוגיקה, זרימה ComponentDiagram ארכיטקטורת התוכנה SequenceDiagram התנהגות ישויות, קשרים, יחסים ClassDiagram Use Case Model שחקנים, תרחישים, אופני פעולה דרישות מערכת DeploymentDiagram ארכיטקטורת מערכת
4 Deployment Diagram "A diagram that depicts the execution architecture of systems. It represents system artifacts as nodes, which are connected through communication paths to create network systems of arbitrary complexity. Nodes are typically defined in a nested manner, and represent either hardware devices or software execution environments."
5 דוגמא ל Deployment Diagram
7 ארגז הכלים
8 Node A node is a physical piece of equipment on which the system will be deployed - for example a workgroup server or workstation. A node usually hosts components and other executable pieces of code, which again may be linked to particular processes or execution spaces. Typical nodes are client workstations, application servers, mainframes, routers, terminal servers, etc.
9 Artifact An artifact is any physical piece of information used or produced by a system. Artifacts can have associated properties or operations, and can be instantiated or associated with other artifacts. Examples of artifacts include model files, source files, database tables, development deliverables or support documents A particular instance (or 'copy') of an artifact is deployed to a node instance.
10 Manifest A manifest relationship indicates that the artifact source embodies the target model element
11 Deployment Spec A deployment specification (spec) specifies parameters guiding deployment of an artifact, as is necessary with most hardware and software technologies. A specification lists those properties that must be defined for deployment to occur. An instance of this specification specifies the values for the parameters; a single specification can be instantiated for multiple artifacts.
12 Deployment Spec
13 השימוש ב Tags
14 הוספת תגים חדשים במערכת
15 כדי לראות תגים בדיאגרמה
16 הוספת תגים לצומת