Electronic Portfolio Jane Doe, Grade 8 Gilliland Middle School School Year: 2010 – [Insert a digital picture of me here]
Introduction The purpose of this electronic portfolio is to showcase the best work that I completed in my eighth grade Language Arts class. It includes examples of: Genre 1: Example: Writing, Thinking Skills, Grammar Skills Genre 2: Example: Art Work (Pixie) or Photography (digital cameras) that are part of my Language Arts class work Genre 3: Example: Multimedia Projects This portfolio shows my growth as a student, as it includes pieces from both first and second semesters. I’ve participated in a one-to-one laptop program this year, so all of my artifacts are in digital formats. It also includes reflections on each of the pieces I included in this portfolio.
Table of Contents Introduction Artifact 1 (with embedded link) Reflection 1 Artifact 2 Reflection 2 Artifact 3 Reflection 3 Artifact 4 Reflection 4 Artifact 5 Reflection 5 Artifact 6 Reflection 6 Artifact 7 Reflection 7 Artifact 8 Reflection 8 Artifact 9 Reflection 9 Artifact 10 Reflection 10