Time before writing was invented ended 5,000 years ago around 3200 BC
Survived on hunting and gathering food Life was shaped by the physical environment Depended on the availability of wild plants and animals.
Study past cultures by locating and analyzing human remains, settlements, fossils, and artifacts.
Human-made objects that hint at life during the period Examples: tools, jewelry, and clothes
scientist sifts through dirt for clues to the past (artifacts & bones) Fossils – evidence of early life preserved in rock
method of telling the approximate age of a fossil or artifact
studies the culture of people Culture – the way in which people live including art, science, religion, government
Eastern Africa 1978-found prehistoric footprints in volcanic ash Hominid – earliest humans and human like creatures to walk upright
3.5 million years ago Fairly complete female hominid skeleton Discovered by Donald Johnson
Discovered more recently
Southern ape Nomadic - constantly looking for food, water, & shelter Clans - lived in small family groups