How to form-old stuff PRESENT TENSE: Present stem + endings: Omus Stis Tnt
AmoI like Amasyou like Amathe likes Amamuswe like Amatisyou like Amantthey like
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FUTURE TENSE: will 1. start with present stem 2. add bi tense sign* 3. add endings: Omus Stis Tnt *some exceptions
Future tense – Sg. 1amaboI will love 2amabisyou will love 3amabitshe will love
Future tense Pl. 1 amabimuswe will love 2amabitisyou will love 3amabuntthey will love
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IMPERFECT TENSE: was 1. present stem 2. add tense sign –ba 3. add endings: mmus stis tnt
IMPERFECT TENSE – Sg. 1AmabamI was loving 2Amabasyou were loving 3Amabathe was loving
IMPERFECT TENSE plural 1 amabamuswe were loving 2amabatisyou were loving 3amabantthey were loving
IMPERFECT TENSE Suggested translations: was… used to… -ed amabam: I was loving, I used to love, I loved
Try these: 1. amabant- 2. portabunt- 3. laudant- 4. navigabas- 5. spectabis- 6. parabo-
7. amabit- 8. laborabatis- 9. laudabunt- 10. spectabamus-
Try these: 1. in the water 2. on the road 3. in the family 4. on the islands 5. in the forest 6. in the wave
Try these: 7. we will sail- 8. they used to carry- 9. you (sg.) were praising- 10. I will prepare 11. she was loving- 12. you(pl.) will look at
Try these: 1. The horse of the girl is bad. 2. The family’s food was old. 3. The Roman road is also flat.
Vocabulary Nauta Pecunia Unda
ADJECTIVES: Totus, tota, totumall
VERBS: Navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus Sail
adverbs Crastomorrow Tumthen
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Prepositions with accusative: In =into, onto Ad = to, toward, near Trans = across
In aquam = into the water Trans viam = across the street Ad agricolam = to the farmer
Prepositions with ablative Cum = with Sine = without In = in, on
Cum equo= with a horse Sine puellis = without the girls In viis = on the roads
N.B. Test Tuesday on: -4, 5 & 6 vocab- can you decline nauta & agricola with an adjective? [ch.5] Future tense [ch.6] Imperfect tense [ch.6] 6 prepositions [ch.5 & 6] Genitive case [ch.5]
worksheet 1. He will love 2. we were looking at 3. they prepared 4. you used to carry 5. we will praise
6. they will work 7. I sailed 8. you work, you are working 9. she will praise 10. you will look at
11. to sail [infinitive] 12. I will prepare 13. I love 14. you carry 15. you will like
16. he praises 17. they will watch 18. she was sailing 19. they are 20. they were
21. amabunt 22. paras 23. portabo 24. laborabas 25. navigabunt
26. portabit 27. navigabamus 28. navigo 29. paratis 30. amabimus
31. laborant 32. spectas 33. spectabant 34. amabo 35. laudabit
Do you know ch. 4, 5 & 6 vocab? Can you decline agricola or nauta with adjective? Do you know present stem of a verb? Do you know future & imperfect tenses? Do you recognize genitive case (uses ‘of’)? Do you know prepositions? Whether they take an ablative (CSI) or accusative (TIA) case noun?
Remember… Successful students study minutes a night.
Bona fortuna!