Spirituality in Education
Christian Teachers in Action” (CTIA) is a prayer and fellowship collaborative movement instituted to address the educational, moral and spiritual problems being faced by institutions of learning in Jamaica and the World.
Character Lived/practiced Sacred Principles Spirit: That which constitute our intangible being (Neil, 2003)
Complete Acts according to the Word Thinks with the Mind of Christ Experiences the emotions of Christ Banks, 2000
SPIRITUAL Relies on spiritual senses to deal with issues/situations Fears God Wisdom and understanding Spirit of counsel NATURAL Relies of natural senses in dealing with issues/situations Seeing Hearing Tasting Smelling Feeling (messages from being touched)
SPIRITUAL Principle centered Shows much concern for others Self aware and accepting Sees self from God’s perspective fearfully and wonderfully made Belonging to the divine family NATURAL Self centered Shows more concern for self than others Uses self knowledge to preserve image Sees self through the eyes of the world focus on physical profile that the world admires Belonging to a social group
SPIRITUAL Sees self from God’s perspective Profile/image like that of Christ Accepts divine order as part of the daily plan to achieve purpose Sees problems as an opportunity for development and for others to have spiritual experience NATURAL Sees self through the eyes of the world Profile/image acceptable by the world (admirable worldly reputation) Tries to order own steps to achieve purpose Sees problems as the fault of someone (including self) or something: The blame game
Character Traits Spiritual Transformer Embraces equality in love Gifted for community Natural Conformis t Loves according to favour Gifted for competition
Character Traits Spiritual Inspired from within Patient in suffering active in business Natural Inspired by enticing words of others Impatient in suffering Slothful in business
Isaiah 11 Romans 7 & 8 Romans 12 I Corinthians 3 St Matthew 5 -7