Consumer Behaviour Define consumer behavior and explain its nature/features. Explain the factors influencing consumer behaviour. Explain the steps in consumer buying decision process.
Introduction Consumer psychology needs a special attention in the present highly competitive and consumer-oriented marketing system. Consumer is the cause & purpose of all production and marketing activities.
Meaning of Consumer/Buyer Behavior Consumer is the most important person in business. His attitude, behavior, needs and reactions play an important role in regard to marketing plans and policies of companies. Companies study the behaviours of consumers constantly for their benefits. Consumer behavior is comparatively new area within the scope of business management. The purpose of study of consumer behavior is to understand human actions and reactions (consumer behaviour) in the best possible manner.
Definition of Consumer/Buyer behaviour Consumer behavior is the process whereby individuals decide what, when, where, how and from whom to purchase goods and services. Walters and Paul Buyer behaviour is all psychological, social and physical behaviour of potential customers as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume and tell others about the products and services. Webster
Types of Buyers Friendly/co-operative buyer. Timid/reserved/shy buyer. Silent buyer. Undecided buyer. Price or quality conscious buyer. Argumentative buyer. Suspicious buyer. Impatient buyer. Bargain buyer. Impulsive buyer. Over-cautious buyer. Slow-thinking buyer Rude/ill-mannered buyer. Clever/intelligent buyer.
Factors influencing buyer behaviour Social factors.-Family, roles and status, ref. groups Economic factors.-size of family, disposable Pincome propensity to consume, consumer credit, dis. income Cultural factors.-sub culture, soc. Class (wealth, income) Personal factors.-age, occ., life style, personality Physiological factors.-basic needs Psychological factors.-motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, attitude
Decisions taken by the buyer while purchasing Need recognition Information search Evaluation of alternatives Purchase decision Post-purchase Behaviour
Buying Motives of Consumer/Customers Fear. Profit/Gain. Vanity. Pride. Fashion. Love and Affection. Curiosity. Admiration. Jealousy. Patronage. Comfort and Convenience. Health.
Types of Buyer behaviour Complex buying behaviour. Dissonance-reducing buying behaviour. Habitual buying behaviour. Variety-seeking buying behaviour.
Importance of consumer/buyer behaviour in marketing management Study of consumer behaviour has special importance in the present competitve marketing management system. Understanding buyer/consumer behaviour is very important for successful marketing.
Meaning & Importance of Buyer/Consumer Psychology Knowledge Attitudes & Emotions Images Intentions Buying Motives
Steps in Selling/Buying Process Prospecting. Pre-approach. Attention. Interest. Desire. Action.