Tell Me The Truth!. Many don’t want to be told the truth because the majority are in conflict with the truth Tell Me The Truth!


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Presentation transcript:

Tell Me The Truth!

Many don’t want to be told the truth because the majority are in conflict with the truth Tell Me The Truth!

Ahab & Micaiah 1 Kings 22  1-6, Four hundred of Ahab’s prophets say go and you will be victorious  7-8, Jehoshaphat: Is there any other prophet that we may ask? Ahab: Micaiah, but I hate him  9-12, Zedekiah the sensationalist, many choose emotionalism over truth  13-15, Peer pressure  16, Tell me nothing but the truth (NKJV)  18, Didn’t want the truth…wanted lies!

 Truth represents reality; truth is what exists  Fadism represents vanity, fantasy  God is the personification of truth (Rom. 1:25)  Jesus: “I am the way, the truth” (Jn. 14:6), “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice” (Jn. 18:37,38) Many Reject Truth Because...

Truth in the Gospel Not “isms”  John 1:17, “...grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”  John 16:13, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak…”  Eph. 1:13, “…you heard the word of truth…”  Jas. 1:18, “…forth by the word of truth”  1 Pet. 1:22, “…in obeying the truth…”

The Nature of Truth  It is narrow (Mt. 7:13-14)  It is firm (John 3:20-21)  It is consistent (2 Cor. 1:18-20)  It is objective & consists of the whole counsel of God (John 17:17) EFFECTS:  Makes us Free! (John 8:32-36)  From lies, superstition, ignorance, philosophy

Our Reception of Truth  Buy it and sell it not (Prov. 23:23)  Obey it, at any cost (Lk. 14:26)  Receive it as it is (1 Thess. 2:13)  Love it (2 Thess. 2:10,12,13)  Change your life not the truth (Rom. 12:2)  For all men (1 Tim. 2:4)

Our Practice of Truth  Suffer its consequences (1 Kgs. 22:27)  Worship by it (Jn. 4:23-24)  Defend it (Gal. 2:5)  Do not be hindered (Gal. 5:7)  Speak it in love (Eph. 4:15)  Always wear it (Eph. 6:14)  Support it (1 Tim. 3:15; 3 Jn. 8)

Our Practice of Truth  Always preach it, don’t make excuses for it (2 Tim. 4:2-4)  Don’t willfully reject it (Heb. 10:26)  Don’t stray from it (Jas. 5:19)  Be established in it (2 Pet. 1:12)  Don’t speak evil of it (2 Pet. 2:2)  Walk in it (live it) (3 John 1:4)

Why Many Do Not Speak Truth  Do not want to confront, or make enemies (Jn. 8:40; Gal. 2:14; 4:16)  Corrupt minds (1 Tim. 6:5)  Do not handle God’s word accurately (2 Cor. 4:2; 2 Tim. 2:15,18,25)  Resisting truth (2 Tim. 3:7-8)  Turn away from it (2 Tim. 4:4; Tit. 1:14)

Judgment Based On Truth!  “But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things” (Rom. 2:2,8) When?  “In the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel” (Rom. 2:16)