The Plains Wars Removing the Indians from their land.
Sand Creek 1864 Cheyenne refused to move to a reservation Colonel J.M. Chivington Black Kettle Most of the Native Americans were killed.
Little Bighorn 1876 European American entered Sioux reservation to find gold. George Armstrong Custer Crazy Horse Sitting Bull U.S. Army was defeated: Custer and all his men were killed.
Custer’s Last Stand
Nez Perce 1877 Nez Perce fled to Canada so the Army chases them. General Nelson Miles and General Howard Chief Joseph Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce Indians surrender.
Apache Wars 1870s Apache resented confinement to the reservation. General Nelson Miles Geronimo Geronimo finally surrenders. He is the last Native American to formally surrender to the U.S.
Wounded Knee Massacre 1890 The Army was sent to round up Sioux who fled the reservation. U.S. Army Sitting Bull was shot so they didn’t have a leader. Many Lakota were slaughtered by the U.S. Army. This marked the end of the armed conflict between the U.S. and the Native Americans.
Fetterman Massacre 1866 Army troops were manning a fort on the Bozeman Trail which was used by the prospectors to reach gold mines in Montana. Sioux tricked the soldiers. U.S. Army Crazy Horse The soldiers were led into a trap and the Sioux kill all 80 soldiers.