Marianna Kramarikova Dallas, TX - February 2014 The document to which this cover statement is attached is submitted to a Formulating Group or sub-element thereof of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) in accordance with the provisions of Sections inclusive of the TIA Engineering Manual dated March 2009, all of which provisions are hereby incorporated by reference. DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO: TR-41 Engineering Committee
Overview Herb Congdon – VP of Standards and Technology department PANS: October 24, _2013Nov15.pdf _2013Nov15.pdf ECOP in draft Engineering Manual October ocuments/tia_eng_manual- 5th_edition_102009_with%20AN rev1.pdf ocuments/tia_eng_manual- 5th_edition_102009_with%20AN rev1.pdf Helpful links: Meeting Sign inMeeting Sign in TIA Digital Training Library TIA 2014 June 3-4, 2014 in Dallas TX Marianna Kramarikova
Overview TIA-4953 Logo Marketing campaign (Jim Bress)- no update TR-41 survey –no update RERC call (panel on accessibility/survey on mobile technology for hard of hearing users; survey of user needs; survey on emergency communications and ppl with disabilities) Marianna Kramarikova
Action items from the 11/04/2013 meeting FTP site username will stay to be TIATR41 – committee was informed passwords will be changed FTP upload access will go to: TR-41 all Steve Whitesell; TR all Jim Bress and Allen Woo; TR-41.7 and TR-41.9 all Randy Ivans TR-41 requested to have an accurate member list from TIA membership database provided to the chair before each meeting (to compare against quorum) Marianna Kramarikova