THINGS TO DO DIFFERENT SKILLS There are different ways of doing art. There is water-colouring, painting, drawing and colouring and more. HOW TO DO IT You basically get a paintbrush dip it in some paint and put it on your paper. You can also mix colours to get a colour you don’t have but need! Water-colouring is different you get some water and a special block of colour thing put your wet paint brush in the colour put it on your paper.
CHALLENGE If you want you can enter the little painting challenge. You get a post-card from the library, and decorate the post-card. Send it to the little painting challenge and they will put it in a art museum. The judging is very soon. THESE ARE SOME EXCAMPLES OF DECORATED POST-CARD!
PROGRAMES If you want to find more skills there is a programme called the big painting challenge. It is on channel 1 or 4 on digital. It has finished, but you can watch the next episode.