School Fundraiser!
Go to a table in the cafeteria (2 or 3 people each) Lay out newspaper and take one paper towel to put your painted marbles on Get a cutout of one heart and one butterfly Get a plate and three marbles from Ms. Yiu DIRECTIONS
WHAT IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE Paint will be at the front table; bring your marbles to dip them in! Try to use only 3 colours (too many makes it too messy) If you want, you can also only use two
PAINTING! Dip your marble in (only one at a time) If you want bigger parts painted, dip it in more paint, if you want smaller bits, dip it in less paint The first colour you use will not show as much (think about which colour you want on the top – that should be your last colour!)
ROLLING! Do not roll them too hard, or they will roll off the plate and make a mess! Roll each marble around, you can re-dip your marble if you need to Do each colour until you’re happy with what it looks like! When you’re done, carefully take off the cutout
When you’re done the first cutout; wash your marbles and dry them You can use the same plate (but wipe it off with a paper towel) Move on to the second cutout; try different colours! MOVING ON TO THE NEXT CUTOUT