J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Getting added value through the curriculum Jean-Pierre De Greve Deputy-rector International Relations Vrije Universiteit Brussel
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Part I: the idea
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn University Developing Enhancing academic competences Curricula Working through the curriculum
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Restrictions Faculty: lack of time, lack of interest Research, teaching, meetings, projects, meetings, meetings Students: too busy studying ….. University: lack of
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Part II: Keep what is, use what is available
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Part III: main actors young people
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Socially connected in virtual communities Social networks: Business: Linkedin or Viadeo Friendship: Facebook or Skype Photo and Videonetworks such as Flickr and Youtube Science & Technology Education
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Recipe: Combine I + II + III
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn A case-in-point Modern History course: a classic throughout Europe (but chemistry, sociology, business, … will also do)
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Different places: comparable course, comparable instructional method Tallinn Course H306 4 projects/sem 3-4 stud/project Rome Module projects/sem 4 stud/project Brussels Course projects/sem 3-4 stud/project
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Use what’s common Tallinn Course H306 4 projects/sem 3-4 stud/project Rome Module projects/sem 4 stud/project Brussels Course projects/sem 3-4 stud/project Common projects
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Ad international flavor Tallinn Course H306 S1 S2 S3 S4 Rome Module 3277 S1 S2 S3 Brussels Course 2355 S1 S2 S3 S4 P1 P3 P2 S=student, P=project
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Use what students use to let them communicate Tallinn S1 Proj1 Rome S1 Proj1 Brussels S2 Proj1 Media: Facebook Linkedln Skype Data:
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Advantages Low cost Little change Challenging Blended learning Easy scalable Collateral spinoffs Truly international I need partnersBut
J.P. De Greve, Tallinn Thanks!