Chapter 6 Lecture/Recap ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY – PART 4
“…reveals the hidden but pervasive power that organizations have over individuals and over our society” (p. 154) Looks for embedded issues of power, domination, and oppression Asks questions about power and control Actively questions the status quo Examines ‘relationship between communication in organizations and issues of justice, democracy, equity, and freedom’ (p. 154) CRITICAL ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY
Five Types of Social Power (French and Raven) Reward Power Coercive Power Referent Power Expert Power Legitimate Power Covert or Hidden Power POWER
“…refers to our basic, often unexamined assumptions about how things are or ought to be” (p. 161) Impacts how we give meaning to our realities Can lead to oppression Four functions of ideologies (Mumby) ‘Represents sectional interests to be universal, denies system contradictions, naturalizes the present through reification, and functions as a form of control’ (p. 162) Hegemony (ideological control) IDEOLOGY
Examine cultural elements Myths, stories and metaphors = common sites of ideologies Examine taken-for-granted aspects of organization; are they masking hidden power? Want to understand why controlling aspects are accepted Those controlled helping to control? Manufactured Consent Concertive Control Surveillance Discourse as site of power Role of technology IDENTIFYING HIDDEN POWER AND CONTROL
Recent trends Employees’ health and well being Resistance Role of critical theorist What happens…why it happens….what is the influence of other forces (economic, political, social) Identify problems and suggest solutions CRITICAL THEORY AND RESEARCH