Prof. Jae-young Yu Dept. Geology Kangwon National University
Professor: Jae-Young Yu Natural Sci. Bldg Dept. Geology, Kangwon National University Ext Web: Office hours: Anytime possible
Text Book None Optional Books Any analytical chemistry & chemical analysis book Web Pages KorEArtH>Lectures>Geochemistry>Geoche mical Analysis(in Korean)
Objectives Knowing how to analyze the materials consting of the Earth & being familiar with handling varieties of Lab. apparatuses Course Outlines Lecture + Lab. Work Lecture: Theoretical (not always corresponds to the Lab. Work) Lab. Work: Project based, mostly analysis work
Grading From A+ to D0 Absolute based grading Total score = 0.3(ME+FE+LE)+0.1(Attendance) Absence >1/3 of legitimate attendance ‘F’ Prerequisites? None, but any knowledge on analytical chem. will certainly help
Week # Lecture Contents 1Introduction: What is geochemical analysis (GA)? Past, present, and future. 2Basics of GA 1: Classification, terms & definitions, statistical evaluation. 3Basics of GA 2: Quality estimation, Lab. safety, appratuses frequently used. 4Sample collection & treatment 1: What to consider before sampling? Water sampling. 5Sample collection & treatment 2: Soil, rock, and others 6On-site measurements 1: Reasons for on-site measuring, pH, E H, 7On-site measurements 2: Conductivity, alkalinity, and estimation of CO3 8Midterm examination 9Decomposition of samples: Dissolution w/ acids & fusion with salts 10Basics of instrumental analysis: Advant. & disadvant., types, general instrumentation 11Spectroscopy 1: Basics of spectroscopy, wavelengths & analytical phenomena 12Spectroscopy 2: Absorption & emission, UV-VIS, AAS, ICP 13Mass-spectrometry: Principles of mass-spectrometry, ICP-MS, GC-MS, SIRMS 14Other analytical instruments: IC, XRD, XRF, EPMA 15Final examination
A notebook having the records of everything what you do and what happens during your laboratory work (experiments). Pagenation first Use permanent ink pens (never use erasers, make strikeouts where you need cancel the records). Never tear out a page. The first page is better be empty and the table of contents should be on the 2 nd page. After the experiments each week, each should submit this Lab. note to TA for evaluation.