Theme: «The Olympic Games is the symbol of peace and friendship» Цель урока: развивать навыки аудирования, чтения устной речи Прививать учащимся любовь к спорту Расширять познавательный кругозор учащихся
Sport as a lifestyle 1. Why is it necessary to go in for sport? 2. Do sports and physical training make people strong and healthy? 3. Which sports do you like doing? 4. Which sport do you like doing? Is it better to watch sport or take part? 5. What’s your favourite sport? 6. Which sport is popular in your country?
History of the Olympic Games
The Olympic motto «Citius, altius, fortius” This Latin words mean: ”Faster, higher, stronger”
The Olympic Flame The Olympic flame has been the traditional attribute of the Olympic Games since For each Olympics a new flame is lit in the ancient Olympic stadium by the sun’s rays and is taken to the country where the games will be held.
The flag of the Olympic Games The Olympic flag has a white background with no border. In the centre there is the Olympic symbol of five interlock rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green. The rings represent five parts of the world that were joined in the Olympic movement: Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe.
Mascots of the Olympic Games 1980-Moscow-”Misha” 1992-Barcelona- a cartoon dog “Gobi” 2004-Athens –” Cheburashka”
The XX Olympic Games The 2006 Winter Olympics, were held in Turin, Italy from February, , through February 26, They marked the second time Italy hosted the Olympic Winter Games.
2006 Winter Olympics medal count PosCountryGoldSilverBronzeTotal Medals 1Germany United States Austria Russia86822
Conclusion “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well” Pierre de Coubertin
Литература 1. Учебник “Happy English -3” (Клементьева Т.Б., Дж. Шеннон) 2. Газета “ English “ No. 10, 2006 г. 3. Методическая мозаика No г. 4. Олимпийская символика. %EF%E8%E9%F1%EA%E0%FF+%F1%E8%EC%E2 %EE%EB%E8%EA%E0 %EF%E8%E9%F1%EA%E0%FF+%F1%E8%EC%E2 %EE%EB%E8%EA%E0 5. Коллекция картинок «Олимпийские игры» ext=%EE%EB%E8%EC%EF%E8%E9%F1%EA%E8 %E5+%E8%E3%F0%FB+