Solar Energy
Energy Sources Of The Earth
Pros about solar energy We use that kind of energy because it will never end It‘s environmental friendly 1 kWh of solar energy saves 500 grams of CO2 emission Independent from fossil and atomic energy sources The solar cell industry creates a lot of jobs and is therefore good for the economy It saves money for the gas and fuel import. That‘s nearly 400 Million € in the EU-Countries 2010/11 Pros about solar energy
Cons about solar energy The intensity of sun radiation depends on the changing seasons, weather etc. Sometimes you don’t need the energy when the sun shines The solar cells can‘t save the surplus energy You need much energies and raw materials to produce solar panels
The efficiency of solar energy If there would be an area in the Sahara of 700 x 700 km filled with solar panels at an efficiency level of only 10%, we could cover the current total world energy demand.
The efficiency of solar energy in Europe
Concentration of alternative energies
Private solar panels on roofs Many private houses in Germany have solar energy panels on the roof. The federal state subsidises the solar panels financially. The base funding for a solar water heating system is 60 € per square meter of collector area, at least 410 € for the facility.
Solar energy worldwide
Structure of renewable energies in Germany 2011 Total production 129,1 TWh, which is 20% of the consumption in Germany
Solar thermal energy produced in Germany in GWh
„Solarbunker“ in Gelsenkirchen In the past the Solarbunker was a coal storage. Today it produces 355 KWh energy.
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