Repp Construction Database Design Group #1 David Adler Jiawei Chen Brittany Popovski Savannah Smith Jie Xuan Zhao
Repp is a small company located in Orchard Park, NY A renovation company that specializes in kitchens, bathrooms, and additions 7 employees work in the office and often do data entry Repp currently uses many Excel spreadsheets General Background
Client, job, and gift data is repetitive Often confusion on where information is stored Late invoicing due to lack of a user friendly interface Overall: Need better organization of their information Current Problem
Forms will provide employees easy access to add, delete, edit and retrieve information Reports generated through the tables and forms provide valuable conclusions Shines light on problems below surface Solution
The tables and queries are built to keep track of Customer information Status of leads Jobs types and information Job duration, carpenters, and contractors Billing and payments Revenue by Project types Etc. Forms are built for easy entry and access of above information Database Design Overview
Reports were generated through tables and queries to bring insight about the operation of the company Revenue by Month Revenue by Project Type Contacts by Town Jobs by Project Type Job Information Report Carpenter Specialties Gift Distributions by Month Mailing Labels Database Design Overview
User Interface Design
The database is very user friendly: The switchboard menu provides clear and easy user access to forms, reports, and labels Every form and report has a close button to navigate back to the main menu Help is offered if issues and concerns arise User Interface Design
Project Demonstration
A database replaces numerous spreadsheets Information is easy to enter and retrieve The database allows for better allocation of resources and labor Provides a way for management to access the past and plan for the future Base for sustainable growth and greater business value Conclusion
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