Globally Speaking: The Effect of Internal Message Frames on Attitudes and Cognitive Processing Focused on Internationalizing Agricultural Extension within the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion National Conference on the Initiative to Internationalize Extension January 2005
Introduction The reality of globalization Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Introduction Extension Organizational communication and Public Relations Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Literature Review Attitudes and persuasion Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Literature Review The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of Persuasion Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Literature Review The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of Persuasion Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Literature Review The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of Persuasion Motivation to Process Issue involvement Need for cognition Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Literature Review In general, framing involves the organization and packaging of information Goffman (1974) "We actively classify and organize our life experiences to make sense of them." “To frame is to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described (Entman 1993)” Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Problem Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) National Initiative to Internationalize Extension Internal and External Extension audiences Global Interdependence in Agriculture: A User’s Guide to Effective Communication To what extent do alternative non-media message frames, when applied to the same issue, influence cognitive processing and attitudes within the ELM for an internal communication within a specific organization?
Moral Norms Americans like to “do the right thing” and they want to believe that their country is “doing the right thing” in the global arena. “Adams said he was motivated to serve in Cameroon because he knows it is a place in the world where help is most needed and will be appreciated.” “Adams is not working in Cameroon to make money. He is using his knowledge to make life better for people he does not know and I have no doubt his work will be highly successful,” said Eric Michaels, Interim Director at the research center where Adams is a professor.” Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Mutual Benefit People working together for the benefit of all. Based on such benefits as: Expanding trade and business opportunities Ensuring safe, high quality food Sharing scientific knowledge and information Protecting and preserving the natural environment Building human capital “My first-hand experience with farmers in Cameroon has given me a deeper understanding of issues like marketing and food security – issues that we all face. As a result, I can share that global perspective with my students at the College, as well as producer groups in Rural County. In today’s economy where borders matter less and less, we have much to learn from each other.” Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Methods Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion 2x2x3 Issue Involvement: High or Low Need for Cognition: High or Low Message Frame: Mutual Benefit, Moral Norms, control Dependent Variables: Attitudes toward internationalizing Extension Argument Quality Message Elaboration
Methods Message stimuli testing A.Undergraduate course N = 73 B.Undergraduate course N = 89 C.Undergraduate course N = 70 Pilot testing A.Subset of actual population B.Randomly selected extension Agents in Pennsylvania N = 26 Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Methods National sample Random assignment to treatment groups Received instrument via a mailed package Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Methods Instrument Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Methods Scales Message Elaboration Coding Content analyses Subsample coded to establish intercoder agreement using Cohen’s Kappa .72 Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Findings Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Descriptive Analysis
Findings Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Descriptive Analysis
Findings Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Descriptive Analysis
Findings Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Descriptive Analysis
Findings Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Descriptive Analysis
Findings Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Descriptive Analysis Low (1) High (5) X Mean=3.67 Early Respondents Mean=3.65 Late Respondents Issue Involvement – Early vs. Late Low (1) High (5) X Mean=3.59 Early Respondents Mean=3.64 Late Respondents Need for Cognition – Early vs. Late
Findings Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Descriptive Analysis Hosting international visitors Participating in short-term intl exp Reading stories about intl issues Learning from other cultures and countries Participating in citizen exchanges
Attitudes toward internationalizing Extension Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Tests of Hypotheses Low NFCHigh NFC Low Issue Involvement High Issue Involvement Low Issue Involvement High Issue Involvement Moral Norms Mutual Benefit
Attitudes toward internationalizing Extension Significant interaction between message frame, issue involvement, and need for cognition Subjects high in issue involvement presented with the Mutual Benefit frame had more positive attitudes than subjects low in issue involvement presented with the Moral Norms frame. Subjects high in issue involvement had more positive attitudes toward internationalizing Extension than subjects low in issue involvement. Subjects high in NFC held significantly more positive attitudes than subjects low in NFC. Of the independent variables, issue involvement was most strongly related to attitudes toward internationalizing Extension. Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Tests of Hypotheses
Generation of Topic-Relevant Thoughts Overall, more topic-relevant thoughts were generated by subjects exposed to the Moral Norms frame than by subjects exposed to the Mutual Benefit frame. Subjects exposed to the Moral Norms frame also generated significantly more negative topic-relevant thoughts than did subjects exposed to the Mutual Benefit frame. Issue involvement was a significant factor in the generation of topic-relevant thoughts for subjects exposed to the Mutual Benefit frame, but not for subjects exposed to the Moral Norms frame. Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion Tests of Hypotheses
Discussion Key Findings Message frames resulted in some differentiation in message elaboration, but not in attitudes toward internationalizing Extension. Issue involvement and NFC were more influential than the message frames with regards to attitudes and message quality. The Moral Norms frame and the Mutual Benefit frame were both more influential on the dependent variables than the control message. Link between Framing and the ELM – different message frames can influence cognitive processing within the ELM Demographics such as specialization within Extension may indicate potential groups for targeted communications in this context Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Recommendations for Theory & Practice Directions for Future Research Further exploration of relationship between framing and persuasion, connected to the ELM Testing these frames discussed in the GII: Global mayhem, Global environment, Security/Terrorism, Self-interest, Teamwork/Partnership, Group members, Ruthless competition, Teachers, Mentoring for autonomy, Neighbors, Democracy Analyze the qualitative data To what extent are Extension communicators using persuasion tactics for internal and external communications? Expose subjects to multiple frames in the same study Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion
Recommendations for Theory & Practice Recommendations for Practitioners Increase issue involvement Develop more targeted communication Develop a series of messages targeted toward individuals with low issue involvement Develop and test a message presenting the risk of not internationalizing Extension Introduction Literature Review Methods Findings Discussion