FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Nature of Course The course seeks to equip students with management knowledge and skills. Diploma students can gain the additional knowledge and skills required of management and attain a degree.
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Course Modules 1. Graduate Skills 2. Research Methods 3. Global Influences 4. International Strategic Marketing 5. Strategy & Decision making 6. International Management 7. Dissertation
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Learning hours 1. 6 hours per week 2. Classes on Sundays 3. For each module student will be provided a module handbook that spells out the learning outcomes, content, assessment requirements etc
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Assessment Each module has its own assessment requirement. All assessment are by assignments and some require group activity and presentation. Passing mark: 40%
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 Module, name & number Assessment 1Assessment 2Assessme nt 3 Semester 1 Graduate Skills BUS2106 Review of portfolio 100% Nil Global Influences BUS3010 3,000 word Essay Nil Research Methods BUS2003 Group Activity 40% 1,500 words Dissertation Proposal 60% 1,000 words Nil Semester 2 International Strategic Marketing BUS3004 Group presentation (10%) 1,500 word assignment (45%) Examinati on (45%) Strategy & Decision making BUS3000 1,500 word report + presentation (20%) 2,000 word essay (40%) 2 hour examinati on (40%) International Management BUS ,000 word assignment (50%) Nil 2 hour examinati on (50%) Semester 3 Dissertation BUS % 8-10,000 words Nil
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Resources 1. All students will have access to Edge Hill University’s virtual learning environment and can access books, journals and magazines. 2. Students will also get their own account 3. Students can use “Turnitin” to see how much of their work is original.
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Duration 1 to 1.5 years Classroom teaching - 1 year Dissertation writing – 6 months
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Fees Application Fee: $50 Tuition Fees: S$13,950 Payment Schedule: 9 Installments of S$1,550 every 2 months (Note: GST has to be paid on all fees) Note: Some banks and finance institution offer study loans with competitive interest rates ( 3% - 7%) and repayment period (1-8 yrs)
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Lecturers: 1. All lecturers are approved by the University 2. University own lecturers from UK will conduct briefings from time to time.
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management On-line Services Student enrolled for the programme will have access to the university’s Virtual Learning Environment and can access on- line books, journals etc
FYITS –BM Students Briefing 2010 BSc (Hons) Business & Management Can course be longer? Yes if student fails a module and has to do a re-test or re-module