Brainstorm: Ideas for sustainability after ICT-AGRI-2 Antoinette Jordan, Dr Raymond Kelly TEAGASC ICT-AGRI-2 Governing Board meeting, Athens 5-6 October 2015
ICT-AGRI-2 Task 3.4 Continued cooperation after the end of the ERA-NET Objective: Define and implement a model for continued cooperation Workshop to be held at Governing Board Meeting, at the end of Year 3 (2016) Workshop aims: To determine: -The aims of the network after ERA-NET -What will be needed in order to achieve these aims -How the requirements can be met in the most cost-effective way possible Outcome: Draft plan and MOU, describing the plan for future cooperation MOU signed by all partners (Deliverable D3.9 M48)
Experience of ERA-CAPS ERA-NET About ERA-CAPS ERA-NET for Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences Led by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), UK Duration: December June 2015 Work Plan for Sustainability WP5: Developing a Self-Sustaining Network (WP Leader: INRA) Task 5.4: Developing mechanisms to ensure self-sustainability (Task leader: DASTI) To continue the development and coordination of Plant Science transnationally To further contribute to creating a transnational Research Area of Plant Sciences Relevant documents Report on breakout group at ERA-CAPS 2 nd Strategic Workshop D5.1 Position Paper: Future Joint Working D5.3 Commitment Agreement for Future Joint Working
How ERA-CAPS created a sustainable network Survey of ERA-NET partners -Clarify the preferred funding model for a future network -Each partner to estimate their expected contribution Video conference meeting near the end of the project -Discuss practicalities of establishing a self-sustained network -Discuss different models for coordination and financing -Seek inspiration from other networks, compile review of other networks 1 st Strategic Workshop near end of the project -Agree funding model -Prepare structure of network, including WPs and WP leads 2 nd Strategic Workshop -Develop ideas for self-sustainability -Discuss possible themes for the joint call
What was agreed Documents -Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) non-legally binding contract – duties, rights -Terms of reference (ToR) – details of work, distribution of tasks Funding model: A network financed through in-kind contribution from partners Time period: MOU and ToR covers period until implementation of 1 st joint call Partners: Partners and observers to sign the MoU Activity: -Continue joint activities including a joint call for proposals -Maintain the website -Continuation of Programme Coordination Office -Follow-up and monitoring of funded projects -Annual board meeting -Provide funding for joint call
Workshop questions From ERA-CAPS 2 nd Strategic Workshop -Do partners agree that the network should be self-sustaining? -What do we want to achieve? Joint calls or more? -How to finance the network – in-kind contributions, subscription fee, other options? -Would a single partner coordinate the network? -Is there a need to identify core partners? -What documents need to be in place to ensure sustainability? MOU, ToR, Handbook -What barriers do we need to overcome? -Would existing management structure still work? Frequency of meetings? -Should we approach other countries to join the network? -How to maintain relations and ensure visibility with European commission? -Continued/further integration with national programmes JPIs?
ERA-CAPs Scenarios Scenarios No-cost extension of 9 months by the Commission Self-sustained network, joining forces with other networks Self-sustained network, integration in FACCE-JPI Horizon 2020 ERA-Net Cofund Choosing a scenario ERA-CAPS members were in favour of applying for a year’s extension, and combining the last two scenarios presented, keeping a watch on progress with H2020. An extension would allow for the accommodation of the second call and associated tasks beyond the original end date. A 6 month no-cost extension has been approved. Concretely the period of ERA-CAPS will be prolonged without any additional budgets – this implies that partner countries will have to stretch their budgets into the extra months and its activities, or provide the extra person months needed in kind.
ICT-AGRI Possible solutions besides becoming self sustainable could be: Link to FACCE JPI New Cofund ERA-net EJP Link to Future Internet PPP New kind of network or partnering initiative