Organelles Transport Photo- synthesis Cellular Resp. More Photo / CR
Question: Jelly-like substance that organelles are found within Check Your Answer Organelles for 200
Answer: Cytoplasm Back to the Game Board Organelles for 200
Question: Where proteins are made Check Your Answer Organelles for 400
Answer: ribosomes Back to the Game Board Organelles for 400
Question: Contain digestive enzymes Check Your Answer Organelles for 600
Answer: lysosomes Back to the Game Board Organelles for 600
Question: Finishes, sorts, and ships proteins Check Your Answer Organelles for 800
Answer: Golgi apparatus Back to the Game Board Organelles for 800
Question: Membranous channels within the cell Check Your Answer Organelles for 1000
Answer: Endoplasmic reticulum Back to the Game Board Organelles for 1000
Question: The movement of a molecule across a membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Check Your Answer Transport for 200
Answer: Diffusion Back to the Game Board Transport for 200
Question: Movement of molecules against the concentration gradient that requires energy Check Your Answer Transport for 400
Answer: active transport Back to the Game Board Transport for 400
Question: Movement of molecules across a membrane that requires a protein channel Check Your Answer Transport for 600
Answer: Facilitated transport Back to the Game Board Transport for 600
Question: Two types of exoctyosis Check Your Answer Transport for 800
Answer: pinocytosis and phagocytosis Back to the Game Board Transport for 800
Question: A solution on the outside of the cell that has more solute than inside the cell. Water will move out of the cell. Check Your Answer Transport for 1000
Answer: Hypertonic Solution Back to the Game Board Transport for 1000
Question: Organelle where photosynthesis takes place Check Your Answer Photosynthesis for 200
Answer: chloroplast Back to the Game Board Matter for 200 Photosynthesis for 200
Question: Two reactants of photosynthesis Check Your Answer Matter for 400 Photosynthesis for 400
Answer: carbon dioxide and water Back to the Game Board Matter for 400 Photosynthesis for 400
Question: Energy source for photosynthesis Check Your Answer Matter for 600 Photosynthesis for 600
Answer: sunlight Back to the Game Board Matter for 600 Photosynthesis for 600
Question: 2 main steps of photosynthesis Check Your Answer Matter for 800 Photosynthesis for 800
Answer: Light Reactions, Calvin Cycle Back to the Game Board Matter for 800 Photosynthesis for 800
Question: Color of light reflected during photosynthesis Check Your Answer Matter for 1000 Photosynthesis for 1000
Answer: green Back to the Game Board Matter for 1000 Photosynthesis for 1000
Question: In what organelle does cellular respiration take place? Check Your Answer Cell. Resp. for 200
Answer: mitochondria Back to the Game Board Cell. Resp. for 200
Question: What are the products of cellular respiration? Check Your Answer Cell. Resp. for 400
Answer: carbon dioxide, water, and energy Back to the Game Board Cell. Resp. for 400
Question: Where do animals get the energy needed for cellular respiration? Check Your Answer Cell. Resp. for 600
Answer: Food Back to the Game Board Cell. Resp. for 600
Question: What are the 3 main steps of cellular respiration? Check Your Answer Cell. Resp. for 800
Answer: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport Chain Back to the Game Board Cell. Resp. for 800
Question: What happens if oxygen is not available during the breakdown of glucose? Check Your Answer Cell. Resp. for 1000
Answer: Fermentation Back to the Game Board Cell. Resp. for 1000
Question: What happens when a phosphate is removed from ATP? Check Your Answer More Photo/CR for 200
Answer: Energy is released and ADP + P are formed Back to the Game Board More Photo/CR for 200
Question: What type of fermentation occurs in your muscle cells? Check Your Answer More Photo/CR for 400
Answer: Lactic Acid Fermentation Back to the Game Board More Photo/CR for 400
Question: Where in the cell does fermentation occur? Check Your Answer More Photo/CR for 600
Answer: Cytoplasm Back to the Game Board More Photo/CR for 600
Question: How does a plant regulate the diffusion of gas into and out of the leaf? Check Your Answer More Photo/CR for 800
Answer: Stomata Back to the Game Board More Photo/CR for 800
Question: How many ATP are produced by aerobic respiration? Check Your Answer More Photo/CR for 1000
Answer: 36 Back to the Game Board More Photo/CR for 1000