SFC User Management USM: the new user management tool
What is in it for me? The USM tool allows the MS liaisons to enter directly their requests for access (no necessary). Treatement of the request is quicker, easier. Inconsistencies/missing info is detected automatically Information on processed/returned request is automatic Transparency
What can be done? The MSL can enter requests to: –Create new account for web User –Create new account for Certificate –Update existing account for Web User –Update existing account for Certificate –Disable existing account for Web User –Disable existing account for Certificate –Renew certificate –Grant access to an existing Web User managed by another Member State Liaison
How does it work? MS liaison enters the request via SFC2007 > utilities > Access Request The SFC2007 Support team processes it USM automatically notifies the user and the MS liaison
What will change with the USM module? No more requests by USM detects directly inconsistencies or missing info Processing automation = gain of time One request = One user (no more «multiple requests») All MS liaisons (and deputies) will have access to the system
What does not change? Password reset (done per as before) Nomination of MS liaison
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