Monitoring tools with respect to violence against women Great Britain Equality and Human Rights Commission Anna Henry - Director of Human Rights How are NHRIs addressing forms of VAW and girls?
Monitoring - Purpose and Practical Use Our Measurement Framework is for use by the EHRC, Government and Public Bodies, NGOs: Helps us meet our legal obligations to measure progress, monitor equality and human rights and report on issues Flags where there may be gaps in outcomes, in experiences (including discrimination), enjoyment of rights or differences in autonomy for individuals and groups Helps us build our narratives and arguments Helps us integrate equality and human rights
How do we monitor? Measurement Framework Indicators Approach We have indicators for Equality, Human Rights and Good relations Each set aims to disaggregate by the same ‘protected characteristics’ Indicators for ‘outcome’ but also for processes and structures in place to protect and promote
Monitoring violence against women ‘How Fair is Britain?’ 2010 –Summarises data against the equality indicators –Laid before Parliament in 2010 as our first ‘progress review’ Key issues: Under-reporting of domestic violence and rape Low rates of referral and convictions compared to other crimes Higher rates of fear of crime for women
Monitoring violence against women Human Rights Measurement Framework 2011 –Summarises data against the human rights indicators –Covers 7 rights in the European Convention and needs further development Key issues: Low but notable rates of sexual assault in the public authorities measured Better ‘structural/process’ performance than ‘outcomes’ Few ‘defining’ VAWG legal cases
Monitoring violence against women Human Rights Review 2012 –More narrative, analytical. Selects key topics, and adds more evidence in particular other in-depth research and policy reports. Key issues: Culture of disbelief around rape – repeat cases, and low conviction rates Poor recognition of domestic violence cases
Raising the profile of violence against women Universal Periodic Review report 2011 –VAWG issues raised –Outcome – recommendations. CEDAW list of issues report 2012 –VAWG issues raised –Outcome – list of questions for state examination
Challenges Framework should track progress and change from a base line. However still many indicators for which no official data sources exist –process and autonomy. –marginalised groups (e.g., homeless people, prisoners, those in care, asylum seekers/refugees, gypsies and travellers). –strand groups is not consistently captured (e.g ethnicity), disaggregated (e.g. disability) or well captured (e.g. transgender, sexual orientation) –Geographical coverage is inconsistent (countries and regions). Institutional capacity and commitment to data collection. Size and scale of our mandate