Goal: To tell what do American people do during Easter 4(a) To tell what do I like to do during Easter. 5(a) To tell what do I want to do during Easter. 6(a) To tell what I want to do the most during Easter. 7 (a) To tell the symbol of Easter. 今年的复活节 是四月二十日
fù huó jié Easter 复活节 cǎi dàn Easter eggs 彩蛋
复活节复活节 复活节复活节 again live holiday Easter commemorates Jesus' resurrection.
qiǎo kē lì Chocolate 巧克力 Animal +
tù zi qiǎo kē lì Bunny Chocolate 兔子巧克力 yā zi qiǎo kē lì Duck Chocolate 鸭子巧克力
xiǎo xióng qiǎo kē lì Teddy Chocolate 小熊巧克力 xiǎo jī qiǎo kē lì Chick Chocolate 小鸡巧克力
hěn tián Very sweet 很甜很甜 很甜很甜 hěn hǎo chī Very yummy 很好吃 hěn kě ài Very cute 很可爱 Adjective yīn wèi 因为 because
复活节 fù huó jiéEaster 彩蛋 cǎi dànEaster eggs 巧克力 qiǎo kē lìChocolate 小鸡 xiǎo jīChick (little chicken) 小熊 xiǎo xióngTeddy (little bear) 鸭子 yā ziDuck 很甜 hěn tiánVery sweet 很可爱 hěn kě àiVery cute
… de shǐ hòu, … 的时候, When its …, L4 fù huó jié de shǐ hòu, wǒ xǐ huān chī cǎi dàn 复活节的时候,我喜欢吃彩蛋。 When its Easter, I like to eat Easter eggs. fù huó jié de shǐ hòu, wǒ xǐ huān chī qiǎo kē lì 复活节的时候,我喜欢吃巧克力。 When its Easter, I like to eat chocolate. Make your own sentence, using the L4 sentence pattern. xǐ huān 喜欢 like yīn wèi 因为 because
… de shǐ hòu, … 的时候, When its …, L5L5 fù huó jié de shǐ hòu, wǒ xiǎng chī cǎi dàn 复活节的时候,我想吃彩蛋。 When its Easter, I want to eat Easter eggs. fù huó jié de shǐ hòu, wǒ xiǎng mǎi tù zi qiǎo kē lì 复活节的时候,我想买兔子巧克力。 When its Easter, I want to buy bunny chocolate. Make your own sentence, using the L5 sentence pattern. xiǎng 想 want to yīn wèi 因为 because
… de shǐ hòu, … 的时候, When its …, L6L6 fù huó jié de shǐ hòu, wǒ zuì xiǎng chī cǎi dàn 复活节的时候,我最想吃彩蛋。 When it’s Easter, I the most want to eat Easter eggs. fù huó jié de shǐ hòu, wǒ zuì xiǎng mǎi tù zi qiǎo kē lì 复活节的时候,我最想买兔子巧克力。 When it‘s Easter, I the most want to buy bunny chocolate. Make your own sentence, using the L6 sentence pattern. zuì xiǎng 最想 The most want to yīn wèi 因为 because
I like to eat chocolate. 9. I the most want to eat duck chocolate. 8. When its Easter, I want to eat chocolate. 11. Bunny chocolate (is) very sweet, also very cute. 7. Teddy chocolate (is) very sweet. 2. When its Easter, I want to eat bunny chocolate. 4. Easter eggs (is) very yummy. 6. I like Easter the most! 3. April 20th is Easter. 12. I like Easter and Christmas the most! 5. When its Easter, I like to eat Easter eggs. 10. Chick chocolate (is) very cute. zhèng fù 正 ? 负 ?
… de shǐ hòu, … 的时候 , When its …, zuì xǐ huān 最喜欢 The most like fùhuójiédeshíhòu,xiǎo háizi zuì xǐ huǎn xún zhǎo cǎidàn de huódòng. 复活节的时候,小孩子最喜欢寻找彩蛋的活动。 When it's Easter, kids like the Easter Egg Hunt the most.
… de shǐ hòu, … 的时候, When its …, xǐ huān 喜欢 like fùhuójiédeshíhòu, rén menxǐhuān zhuāngshì cǎidàn. 复活节的时候, 人 们 喜欢 装饰 彩蛋。 When it's Easter, people like to decorate eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt.
… de shǐ hòu, … 的时候, When its …, huì cān jiā 会参加 will participate fùhuójiédeshíhòu,rén men huì cānjiā fùhuójié yóuxíng. 复活节的 时候,人 们 会 参加 复活节 游行。 When it's Easter, peple will participate in the Easter Parade.
The symbole of Easter is
功课 Complete your Easter Worksheet. Make an Easter card. Write an essay to compare Easter and Qingming. Packet will be due on 18th, April.