2 BOLOGNA PROCESS In Bologna declaration was signed by 29 European countries. In Croatia signed the Bologna declaration. Aim of the Bologna process: establishing the European Higher Education Area by This goal is of vital importance for the promotion of mobility and employability of the European citizens, as well as for the overall development of the Continent. Special attention should be dedicated to the enhancement of international competitivensess of the European higher education system.
3 GOALS OF THE BOLOGNA PROCESS 1. a system of academic grades which are easy to read and compare, including the introduction of the diploma supplement (designed to improve international "transparency" and facilitate academic and professional recognition of qualifications); 2. a system essentially based on two cycles : a first cycle geared to the employment market and lasting at least three years and a second cycle (Master) conditional upon the completion of the first cycle; 3. a system of accumulation and transfer of credits (ECTS); 4. mobility of students, teachers and researchers; 5. cooperation with regard to quality assurance; 6. the European dimension of higher education.
4 LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BOLOGNA PROCESS Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education, July Act on the Revisions and Additions to the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education, JuIy Act on the Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications, October 2003., in force as of July Rules of Procedures in the field of science (accreditation of the scientific organisations, 2005.) and the field of higher education (establishment of HEIs, quality of institutions and study programs, contents of student database, contents of student document, content of diplomas and diploma supplement, 2004.). Croatian Government adopted the Strategy and Action Plan for Life Long Learning, November In May the Proposal of the Law on Academic Qualifications will be completed. In June the proposal of amendments to the existing Law on Foreign Educational Qualifications will be completed.
5 TIMELINE STIPULATED BY THE LAW Establishment of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degree programs structured in line with the Bologna goals by the academic year 2005./2006. Introduction of ECTS by the academic year 2005./2006. Harmonisation of the Statutes and other acts with the Law by March Introduction of the lump sum financing model by January Legal integration of Universities by Establishment of the binary system: Universities will cease enrolling students in professional study programs by the academic year 2011.
6 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION November Highest authority overseeing the development and quality of higher education sector. NATIONAL SCIENCE COUNCIL November Highest authority overseeing the development and quality of scientific activities and science sector. AGENCY FOR SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE NATIONAL ENIC/NARIC OFFICE February Specialized institution providing expert support to both national councils. Activities: evaluation of the quality enhancement and assurance system at higher education institutions, establishing cooperation between Croatian science and higher education sector with its international counterparts. National ENIC/NARIC office was established within the Agency. The office is the information center on Croatian and foreign education systems, as well as the national point for academic and professional recognition of higher education qualifications. NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE, HIGHER EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT October The National Foundation promotes science, higher education and technological development, in order to enhance development and employment opportunities. MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, EDUCATION ANDSPORTS provides support to the higher education sector and its authorised bodies in implementation of their activities.
8 BODIES IN CHARGE OF THE FOLLOW-UP AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BOLOGNA PROCESS NATIONAL BOLOGNA FOLLOW-UP TEAM April Organises, coordinates and follows the implementation of the Bologna Process at Croatian higher education institutions - Actively participates in the Bologna follow-up activities at the international level. RECTOR CONFERENCE’S COMMITTEE FOR THE PREPARATION AND FOLLOW-UP OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OFTHE BOLOGNA PROCES October Coordinates intersector cooperation on the implementation of the process and ensures the synergy of various activities. Also acts as a liaison between the academic community and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. - Ministry representatives are actively involved in the activities of the Committee.
9 FINANCING OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION SECTOR New undergraduate and graduate programs will be financed through the state budget. Postgraduate studies, for which both an University and the Ministry hold to be of the national importance, will be partially or completely financed through the state budget. Ministry has established an expert committee which will conduct an analysis and prepare the simulation of the future expenditure of the state-budget funded study programs. Since the new study programs introduce the increase in the teacher-student ratio, all measures will be undertaken in order to retain the current teaching staff at higher education institutions.
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