Break-out Session: Health, Energy, Ecosystems, Biodiversity General Remarks
General comments Poor representatitivity of the whole communities in the different domains. May be a need from GEOSEC to bring the different CoP concerned in the debates Coherence between Strategic Targets and Definitions Wording problem: –Definition is not a good term –Proposal: scope, aim, vision –Deliverable project oriented term ambiguity Concern about the engagement on the deliverables DSs need to integrate all cross-cuting issues: architecture, data, users, capacity building, science WP tasks participants are lost
GEO Work Plan Symposium 2011 Day 3 Information Services DS-07
DS-07 Energy and Geo-Resources Management Definition (Scope or Aim or Vision) Facilitate/encourage significant increase the use of Earth observations by all sectors (biomass, fossils, geothermal, hydropower, nuclear, ocean, solar and wind). Develop mapping of energy potential. Explore tools and services for energy management, including balance between energy demand and supply as well as development of alternative energy scenarios. Facilitate the safe, efficient and affordable development and operation of existing and new energy resources (Energy Strategic Target).
Deliverables 1.A global set of data, tools and services for the resource assessment, monitoring and forecasting of primary energy and its uses (e.g. map user needs for renewable energy datasets; develop products required to assess countries' potential for energy production; foster the use of Earth observations in energy-policy planning) Priority Actions: –Continue the work of identifying the users’ needs –Identify and give access to the data required (interoperability, …) –Gap analysis –Develop prototype services –Generalize prototypes –Set up the deliverable Leads (Members and/or Organizations, tentative): DLR, MINES ParisTech, IRENA ?
Related Work Plan Progress (based on input/slides from participants) ENDORSE (FP7 Project) ENergy DOwnstReam SErvices - Providing energy components for GMES BioEnergy Atlas for Africa …
ENDORSE Concept user-driven development of new, and/or enhancement of existing, downstream services in renewable energies regional services for sun, wind, and biomass, electricity grid management and building development of sustainable and transferable downstream services.
ENDORSE Based on proven facts, the ENDORSE Consortium states that the energy community is mature enough to exploit EO data in an efficient, replicable and sustainable manner, especially with the advent of stable and reliable data streams from the GMES Core Services: MACC for irradiance and other atmosphere-related parameters, SAFER for defining hazardous areas, and Geoland 2 for data on land use, hydrography, protected areas, inhabited areas and buildings. GEOSS catalogues are an entry point to access other EO- derived data that can be necessary. GEOSS results on standards, tools, and best practices in service architecture, data and services interoperability, will be exploited.
Towards a Bioenergy Atlas for Africa Addis Ababa October 2010
BioEnergy Atlas for Africa Overall objectives Contribute to the sustainable utilization of bioenergy resources for Africa‘s development Specific objective The bioenergy atlas for Africa provides information (on quantity, distribution, usage, quality) to facilitate informed decision making for the sustainable use of bioenergy resources.
BioEnergy Atlas for Africa Planned results Existing products and initiatives are assessed and gaps evaluated Concept for the Atlas developed The interactive platform is established The Atlas is firmly linked to GEO/GEOSS and other regional/international initiatives Bioenergy Atlas – functions: Inform (potential, constraints) Disseminate (best practices in Africa, and global) Evaluate (projections, scenarios) Leads: South Africa, Brazil, RCMRD, Austria
Biomass Evaluation Source: IIASA
Inclusion of New Proposals (if any) ENDORSE BioEnergy Atlas for Africa EO-MINERS …
Issues and Gaps Organizing the project Funding International communication Embed international bodies Completeness of the available data Engaging stakeholders Historical data Availability of privately owned data