WG3, Brussels, 30 Nov Interactions with other technology sectors
Why interaction? PV is directly linked to other technology sectors E.g. building sector, electricity grid, energy storage devices, manufacturing... R&D in other areas can contribute to enhance efficiency, productivity and sustainability of PV systems E.g. new materials, methods to enhance efficiency, new production methods... WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
Which Sectors? Possible Interactions? Examples in Implementation Plan, Chapter 7 and 9.2 (Annex B) WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
Role of PVTP / WG3 SRA - IP - next step: implement the IP Reach the targets of SRA and SEII to make PV a mainstream energy source Increase system efficiency Achieve better production yield WG3: Group of technology experts that cover the whole PV value chain PVTP can act as a coordinator between PV and other technology sectors that can contribute to reach the SEII targets WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
Possible Way of Interaction I WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010 AimsApproachTime LineExamples / Partners / Results Identification of suitable technology platforms Formation of a sub-group in WG3 and defining working packages in cooperation with other EUPVTP groups Q1/2010DERlab association (or Smart Grids), SusChem, Manufuture, ECTP/E2B-EI, EuMat, Photonics21, Nanoelectronics, Eurobat, VDMA, IVAM etc. Definition of clusters for specific topics Working package for sub-group of WG3 Q1/2010E.g. materials, device structures, production, grid, storage, application Establishing cooperation structures Contact to TPs, exchange of thoughts in High Level Group meeting, common workshop, definition of sector / cluster specific working groups in EUPVTP H1/2010Working groups and reporting structures, collaboration frameworks Definition of common targets and time line in accordance with SRA and SEII Organization of common workshops, visit of sector related conferences and exhibitions, interviews with industry leaders, invitation of key- speakers from other TPs 2010Common / integrated position papers, roadmaps for research and industry projects, presentations, petitions etc. Definition of working packages and time line to implement the targets Common workshops2010 Working out the packagesQ3/ Q4/2011 Delivery of ResultsPreparation of consolidated reports and to do lists for politicians and the stake holders in the PV and the interacting sectors Q1/2012c.f. e.g. Greg’s approach for grid penetration Table from WG3 meeting of 11 Feb. 2010
Possible Way of Interaction II Identification of suitable technology sectors („What is there around us?“) E.g. Smart Grids, SusChem, EuMat, Eurobat,... Define internal structures (sub-groups, work packages,..) Why and how do we want to interact with a sector? Structure the topics E.g. sort the sectors / possible partners along the PV value chain (materials, devices, produciton, application...) What are the specific points of interaction? Is it useful to group external partners? WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
Possible Way of Interaction III Define targets, work packages and a time schedule for each sector we want to approach What do we want to achieve for each sector? How do we want to approach? Establish cooperation structures Approach external partners (contacts, visits of sector related conferences, meetings, invite key-speakers etc...) Find out, what PV means for the external partners Define common points of interest and (common?) work packages WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
Possible Way of Interaction IV Work out the packages Internally and in exchange with external partners How much time and effort can we contribute? Delivery of results Whom do we want to approach? How do we want to present the results? What is it all about? WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
What did we find out so far? I Smart Grids (Greg - 2/2010?) SusChem (7/2009) PV is in SusChem‘s IP, Interaction with other ETPs of interest „Smart Energy House“ Alexis Bazzanella (Dechema, Frankfurt) responsible for PV ECTP (Construction Technology) (7/2009) Enery Efficient Buildings (E2B) PPP established for all energy relevant topics; PV is an important topic; Roadmap 10/2009 EPIA is member of E2B ? Luc Bourdeau is contact WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
What did we find out so far? II Manufuture / Factories of the Future (FoF) (7/2009) Frank Knecht is the representative of VDMA in Brussels and head of EFFRA (legal part of the industry in the PPP FoF) Renewable Energy is a very interesting topic We were invited to take part on a High Level Group Meeting WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010
Discussion What do we want to achieve? Which sectors do we want to approach? How do we want to interact? How to proceed? Collection of ideas (all) Who will contribute (subgroup, PVTP outside WG3?) Action steps WG3, Brussels 30 November 2010