Interim results Generic Approach Interim results
Goal Copyright Longer timeframe - Current state of technology as benchmark - BUT MAIN GOAL: Develop NEW process flow diagrammes (PFDs), two main reasons
Current processes (bioprocesses and conventional): State-of-the-art Future bioprocesses Horizon value for productivity Concentration glucose Scale PFDs - Principle considerations (1/2)
Future separation processes Only continuous fermentation processes Plant size: Assume TODAY FUTURE Wherever possible, avoidance of energy intensive processes (e.g., distillation and evaporation); on the other hand relatively high fuel requirements may be acceptable in view of the use of renewable energy from biowaste streams. Membrane processes are generally preferred due to their (expected) low energy use and the avoidance of high salt loads. The avoidance of salt loads also makes electrodialysis an attractive option for the future. The high power requirements are considered acceptable in view of on-site electricity production from biowaste streams. Extraction should be avoided, wherever possible. Alternatively, benign solvents should be used. Properties of compounds and process design determine energy use. Adsorption may be somewhat less attractive due to common use of solvents for regeneration. PFDs - Principle considerations (2/2)
Overview of schemes O:\BREW\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_approach\Separation\MassBalances\ TO_DO__MASS-BAL.xls FOR EXCEL VERSION WITH LIST OF SCHEMES TO BE REVIEWED BY EACH PARTNER SEE: Workpackages -> WP2 -> Overview of generic mass balance schemes
Overview of key data O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_approach\Separation\MassBalances\CPY_1.xls THIS VERSION NOW UPDATED. SEE: Workpackages -> WP2 -> Overview of Key data (CORRECTED VERSION, 24. Sept 2004)
ABE (1/7): ABE_TODAY_1_(Distillation)
ABE (2/7): ABE_TODAY_2_(GasStripping)
ABE (3/7): ABE_FUTURE_1_(DistMembDist)
ABE (4/7): ABE_FUTURE_2_(MembDistDist)
ABE (5/7): ABE_FUTURE_3_(Pervaporation)
ABE (6/7): ABE_FUTURE_4_(RO)
Acetic acid
PDO (1/3): PDO_TODAY_1_(Evap)
PDO (2/3): PDO_FUTURE_1_(Pervap)
PDO (3/3): PDO_FUTURE_2_(HyphobMembr)
Acetic acid
Ac.acid (1/5): AceticAc_TODAY_1_(Extraction)
Ac.acid (2/5): AceticAc_TODAY_2_(Evap&Dist)
Ac.acid (3/5): AceticAc_FUTURE_1_(Extraction)
Ac.acid (4/5): AceticAc_FUTUR_2_(Evap&Dist)
Ac.acid (5/5): AceticAc_FUTURE_3_(ED)
Lactic acid
LA (1/4): LA_FUTURE_1_(Electrodialysis)
LA (2/4): LA_FUTURE_2_(Extraction)
LA (3/4): LA_FUTURE_3_(SRIlowpH)
LA (4/4): LA_FUTURE_4_(Adsorption)
Adipic acid (1/5): AdipAc_TODAY_1_(Cryst) (2/5): AdipAc_FUTURE_1_(Cryst) (3/5): AdipAc_FUTURE_2_(Electrodialys) (4/5): AdipAc_TODAY_1_(Solvent) (5/5): AdipAc_TODAY_1_(Ester+Distill)
Succinic acid (1/4): SA_TODAY_1_(Cryst) (2/4): SA_TODAY_2_(1stageED) (3/4): SA_FUTURE_1_(Cryst) (4/4): SA_FUTURE_2_(2stageED)
Citric acid
Caprolactam (1/1): CL_FUTURE_1_GEN
Lysine (1/2): Lysine_TODAY (IonExch)
Lysine (2/2): Lysine_FUTURE_1_(ADS) For Lysine_FUTURE_1_(ADS): Is it realistic to assume that Ultrafiltration can be skipped before adsorption (Degussa patent)?
PHA (1/2): PHA_TODAY_1_(Extraction)
PHA (2/2): PHA_FUTURE_1_(Extraction)
Technology frontiers (“How long is the string?“) Membrane: f(polarity) see e.g. PDO and LA Electrodialysis: i) 2-stage ii) NF + WS-ED iii) 1-stage Extracellular PHA [(Bio-based) Syngas as feedstock ] (Bio-based) Methanol as feedstock Biotechnological methanol
Products selection O:\BREW\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\CostData\Prices\PriceBREWproducts_1.xls
Collection of energy data …jump to Shortcut to GenericEnergy_1.xls
O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_approach\Separation\Chai nCompar\&[File] Generic Approach - Comparative energy analysis (1/3)
O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_appro ach\Separation\ChainCompar\&[File] Generic Approach - Comparative energy analysis (2/3)
O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoEcon)\Generic_ approach\Separation\ChainCompar\ &[File] Generic Approach - Comparative energy analysis (3/3)
O:\WPs\WP2(TechnoE con)\Generic_approach \Separation\ChainCom par\&[File] Calibrated energy data for the Generic Approach
Interim results Additional slides Interim results
Prices of sugar from sugarcane (reproduction with kind permission from Tim Nisbet, Shell) CHECK WITH TIM NISBET WHETHER USE IS OK DISCUSS: TAKE ONE SINGLE PRICE FOR SUGARS TODAY OR DISTINGUISH BETWEEN ORIGINS (SUGARCANE ETC? Assumed prices of fermentable sugar in Europe (NREL, 2002) L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\Sugar_price\ Updated Sugar Price.xls
L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\Sugar_ cane\Sugarcane_feedstock_A_2.xls\Sheet Definition NREU and REU Energy use and GHG emissions of sugar cane use AVERAGE (medium sucrose content)
L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\ Sugar_cane\Sugarcane_feedstock_B_ 2.xls\Sheet Definition NREU and REU Energy use and GHG emissions of sugar cane use ADVANCED (high sucrose content)
L:\BioBasedMat_Lit\feedstocks\sugars\ Sugar_cane\Sugarcane_feedstock_A_ 2.xls\Sheet Definition NREU and REU