While shopping at Foot Locker you found a pair of shoes for $84.50, with a sign that said additional 15% off taken at the register. What is the final price for the shoes?
Original Price of Shoes * Discount = Amount Discounted $84.50 * 0.15 (15%) = $ rounds to $ Original Price of Shoes – Amount Discounted = Final Price of Shoes $84.50 – $12.68 = $71.82
Announcements / Attendance / Work on Bell Ringer - (5 minutes) Review from yesterday - (2 minutes) Dave Ramsey Video - (11 minutes) Take notes in your workbook Savings By Nation Activity – (15 minutes) Dave Ramsey Video – (13 minutes) Take notes in your workbook Financial Calculators Activity – (20 minutes)
What is Baby Step #1? The United States has a savings rate of what percent? What does this mean? Money is amoral. What does the term amoral mean? What type of account should you keep your emergency fund in? Why? What are three reasons we save money? Instead of borrowing to purchase, we should pay by cash using what type of approach? What does this approach mean?
As we watch the first part of the Dave Ramsey video – please take notes in your workbook.
The purpose of this activity is to analyze saving habits around the world, to evaluate information from charts, and compute percentages. Using the chart at the top of the page and our discussions based upon savings answer the six questions in complete sentences. WE WILL GRADE THESE IN 10 MINUTES.
1.15.6% % compared to our -0.6% 3.0% 4.Mean – Average = 8.9% Mode – Most Often = 7% Median – Middle # - 9.5% 5. Japan - $5,400 – Germany - $4,800, Britain - $2,800, France - $6,000, US - $ High prevalence of credit card debt, aggressive marketing, people think stuff makes them happy, Society’s views on tangible products.
As we watch the second part of the Dave Ramsey video – please take notes in your workbook. Pay close attention you will have an essay question on Thursday that covers this material.
The purpose of this activity is to understand the impact that time and rate of return has on savings, assess the lump sum needed to reach a specific investment goal, and to familiarize students with online resources. Select a goal such as how much money you want to have when you retire or 1. reach a specific age. Your job is to calculate what you need to save now in order to reach your goal. Then determine how much money you would have if you invested “x” each month for 10, 20, 40, and 50 years. TURN ACTIVITY INTO TRAY UPON COMPLETION.