Prof.S.Chidambaram Department of Earth sciences Annamalai University India A review on the hydrogeochemical research and its future perspectives
IsotopesSGDGeophysicalLithologicalHYDROGEOCHEMISTRYGeneral ionsRS GISStatistical Geochemical modeling QualityProcess Heavy metals Ion SpecificUtility
Quality - Utility
Wilcox diagram Agricultural water quality
WATCLAST- program Other water quality parameters (Chidambaram et al 2004)
Quality – Ion Specific Fluoride Uranium Arsenic
Fig: 5.31a. Spatial distribution of F - of NEM Fig: 5.31b. Spatial distribution of F - of POM Fig: 5.31c. Spatial distribution of F - of SUM Fig: 5.31d. Spatial distribution of F - of SWM Fluoride
Spatial distribution of As for groundwater samples (All values in µg/l)) Maximum, Minimum and Average of Arsenic (All values in µg/l)) Arsenic
Process – General Ion
Piper facies diagram Modified Doneen’s plot Gibbs plot Relationship of log pCO 2 to Ionic Strength Standard plots
Thermo dynamic stability
Sea water intrusion
Saturation index
Process – Lithology
Relative mobility of cations in Rock Water Interaction studies Relative mobility
Lithological charecterisation
Process – Metals
Process – RS and GIS
Parameters Classification based on quality Standards by BIS & WHO Measured FormationPRMSWMNEMPOM GoodModerateUnsuitableDesirablePermissible Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max. EC (µS/cm) < – 3125 > Alluvium Upper Cuddalore Lower Cuddalore Cretaceous TH (Ca&Mg) (mg/l) < > Alluvium Upper Cuddalore Lower Cuddalore Cretaceous Sodium (mg/l) < > Alluvium Upper Cuddalore Lower Cuddalore Cretaceous Chloride (mg/l) < > Alluvium Upper Cuddalore Lower Cuddalore Cretaceous Sulphate (mg/l) < > Alluvium BDL Upper Cuddalore BDL Lower Cuddalore BDL Cretaceous Alkalinity (mg/l) < > Alluvium Upper Cuddalore Lower Cuddalore Cretaceous DOC (mg/l) (ODWSOG2006, Spruill et al. 1997) < >5 Alluvium 16.98BDL Upper Cuddalore Lower Cuddalore Cretaceous Index (Decision Criteria)321
Flow chart representing the preparation of the vulnerability maps Vulnerability studies
Groundwater vulnerability index map of the Alluvium aquifer overlay on Landuse (Thilagavathi 2013) Vulnerability studies
Process – Modeling
Process – Statistics
Post monsoon CAMGNAKCLHCO3SO4PO4SIO2PHTDS CA1 MG NA K CL HCO SO PO SIO PH TDS MG NA K CL HCO SO PO SIO PH TDS Saline intrusion Recharge and weathering of K feldspar Anthropogenic Seasonal -Correlation and Factor analysis
CAMGNAKCLHCO3SO4PO4SIO4PHTDS CA1.00 MG NA K CL HCO SO PO SIO PH TDS CA MG NA K CL HCO SO PO SIO PH TDS Ion exchange S.W.intrusion Fertilisers recharge Pre monsoon Correlation and Factor analysis
Seasonal and the Spinal species
Factor score
Process – Isotopes
Dissolved organic carbon
Isotope and climate
Process – SGD
Process – Geophysical
Surface Geophysical methods
Spatial representation of reisitivty values
Fig. Three-dimensional variation of litholog and resistivity ( m) for four locations Thavalakuppam, Chinna Verampattinam,Thavalakuppam and Nallavadu in the study area Creation of 3D fence to correlate
Conceptual models
Future perspectives Climate Change Geochemical baseline Integrated techniques
Climate change Longterm geochemical data in correlation with landuse and water level changes Pore water stuides CFC, Tritium models and Helium
Geochemical baseline Tritium models Microbial characterization with metal/inorganic ion Noble gases Organic Geochemistry Colloidal interface with metals and ions Interlinking of components in hydrological studies
Integration of relevant techniques
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