CA State Library Volunteers Training Introduction
Introductions, CA State Library-CalVet Partnership The Veteran (and families, our customers) Veterans’ Benefits Resources (our product) Connecting the Veteran to the Benefits Volunteer Methods and Techniques for Service Tie-Together (Going Live at your Site) Library-Specific Needs Interactive Wrap-up/Site Walk-Around Agenda
Provides guidance and helps standardize services for 183 library jurisdictions statewide Responded to veteran outreach need as identified through CA Research Bureau and Governor’s Interagency Council on Veterans Identified 3 Pilot Sites for volunteer staffing Partnered with CalVet to support with training, information products, and continued consultation CA State Library
The CA Dept of Veterans Affairs employs about 2,200 people, across 5 primary divisions The Veterans Services Division (VSD) is the smallest, employing approx. 35 people An outreach network exists within VSD, comprised of 8 field agents and a manager These agents are called LINCs (Local Interagency Network Coordinators), and are active in 7 CA regions (More about their locations/duties in a later module) CalVet
To provide outreach for California’s nearly 2 million veterans and families; to assess their needs, educate them about the benefits and resources they have earned, and connect them with the services available for successful reintegration with civilian life. Our Mission Our Purpose To give veterans straightforward and easy access to the services and benefits they have earned through their military service. California has streamlined this process via a collaboration of government agencies and departments, non- government entities, and volunteer organizations. CalVet Veterans Services
Government – Other State Agencies (DMV, EDD, Gov’s Office, Librarian’s Office) – County Veterans Service Offices (CVSOs) 56 of CA’s 58 counties have them Locations online ( or in CalVet Veterans Resource Book – Federal VA (USDVA) Non-Gov’t: Veterans Service Organizations – VFW, AmVets, American Legion, DAV, VVA, etc.) Non-Profit Organizations (many…big maze at times) Corporate Partners (veteran-friendly companies) VOLUNTEERS !! CalVet Partners
State Librarian’s Office sought way to use resources for community benefit throughout the state Helping veterans is viewed as a noble, non-partisan effort, with tremendous community support CalVet was requested to provide overview and training for assisting veterans at library sites Volunteers, once trained, will be able to assist with basic, in-person veteran queries (Q & A with Vet) Volunteers will primarily be Connectors to information, guiding the veteran to the next path(s) Library/Calvet Partnership
1.Know Your Customer (Veterans and their families) 2.Know a little bit about a lot of Products (Resources) It’s not how much you know, but where to find answers 3.Know about the Process (Connecting to the Benefits) 4.Tailoring the Process to the Needs (Methods) 5.Tying it all Together (Going Live at Your Site) How to Be a Veteran Volunteer (in 5 Easy Steps)