Election of 1928 Herbert Hoover Republican candidate Alfred Smith Democratic First Catholic to run for President
GREAT DEPRESSION Herbert Hoover Republican
GREAT DEPRESSION Alfred E Smith Democrat
GREAT DEPRESSION Hoover’s Campaign promise “Chicken in every pot and a car in every garage”
GREAT DEPRESSION Hoover wins in a landslide
GREAT DEPRESSION U. S. Still in prosperity but cracks are showing
GREAT DEPRESSION Easy Credit Over production of inventory
GREAT DEPRESSION Economy was strong based on World War I Installment buying Dollar down dollar a week
GREAT DEPRESSION Made it easy for all to buy Repossessed if payments were missed Stock Market opened to all Americans Some were novice
GREAT DEPRESSION Speculation Margin Buyer puts 10% down on a stock Broker provides rest as a loan or margin
GREAT DEPRESSION Buyer gambles that stock is going to increase
GREAT DEPRESSION If price fell broker called in margin demanded immediate payment Usually investor or buyer lost everything
GREAT DEPRESSION BUBBLE BURSTS October 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday” Stock prices plummeted
GREAT DEPRESSION 29 th and 30 th 16 million shares were sold By two weeks time index price fell by 50% 30 billion dollars were lost in the next weeks
GREAT DEPRESSION Unsound banking practices led to: Speculation risky loans fake investment schemes
CAUSES OF GREAT DEPRESSION Credit Too much People and banks suffered People could not pay Banks lost money
GREAT DEPRESSION Not all lost some gained tremendously Joseph Kennedy Sr. allegedly Got inside information and sold before the market crashed
GREAT DEPRESSION Agriculture Depressed for years Overproduction caused low prices Agriculture Marketing Act
GREAT DEPRESSION Established loans to farmers Federal Farm Board Purchased surplus crops Could not limit production Depression in Europe closed a market for surplus food
GREAT DEPRESSION Depression was world wide Smoot-Hawley Tariff High tariffs on imported goods to protect U S goods
GREAT DEPRESSION Foreign countries flooded market Prices continued to fall Farmers continued to grow crops Prices plummeted depression worsened especially for farmers
GREAT DEPRESSION Banking and Finance Federal Reserve Board was urged to regulate credit and speculation They did nothing
GREAT DEPRESSION Deposits shrank Massive withdrawals Holidays were declared in Nevada, Louisiana Michigan Emergency credit pool for relief
GREAT DEPRESSION Bankers formed National Credit Corporation Failed to help situation Fearful that loans would jeopardize their banks
CAUSES OF GREAT DEPRESSION Few basic industries No diversification –2 major industries Construction automobile
CAUSES OF GREAT DEPRESSION Uneven distribution of wealth More than one half of Americans lived on edge of poverty
CAUSES OF GREAT DEPRESSION International debt Europe could not pay back loans to United States from World War I
High Tariffs on American goods Europe responded with the same high tariffs on American goods
All failed Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Jan 1932 Provided loans to banks
GREAT DEPRESSION Railroads Life insurance Farm Mortgage assistance It did ease the banking crisis January banks failed April 46 failed
GREAT DEPRESSION Unemployment Relief Organization Stimulate private charities 3 other major measures were passed by Congress
GREAT DEPRESSION 300 million dollars were allocated to help liquidate banks loans for public works Loans to states to help in public projects
GREAT DEPRESSION 30 million allocated Too cautious (RFC) to help None for Public Works
GREAT DEPRESSION Hoover would not direct aid to unemployed Private Charities Opposition to direct relief
GREAT DEPRESSION Cemented his reputation as doing nothing to ease depression Shack villages were called Hooversvilles
Herbert Hoover Newspapers wrapped around people were called Hoover Blankets Broken down cars were called Hoover wagons Pockets turned inside out were called Hoover Flags
GREAT DEPRESSION BONUS MARCH 1932 Hunger Marches and unemployed rioted Bonus Expeditionary Force (BEF) World War I veterans were able to borrow against life insurance in 1945
GREAT DEPRESSION Technically it was not a bonus Veterans wanted the money now Needed the money for necessities
GREAT DEPRESSION Congress could not afford payments Yet they appropriated $100,000 for the marches return home ½ took offer
GREAT DEPRESSION Others occupied buildings to be knocked down for public work projects July 28, 1932 police tried to evict squatters 2 veterans killed stalemate continued
GREAT DEPRESSION General Douglas McArthur had orders to move vets He took it upon himself to drive them farther than President Hoover ordered
GREAT DEPRESSION McArthur along with junior officers Patton and Eisenhower Used tanks guns and tear gas to remove veterans
GREAT DEPRESSION McArthur disobeyed orders to stop Hoover while upset did nothing to stop McArthur Reinforced Hoover’s image as a do nothing President
GREAT DEPRESSION ELECTION OF 1932 FDR Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected President New outlook for United States