The International GNSS Service (IGS), June 2008: Perspectives and Key Issues John M. Dow Chair, IGS Governing Board
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June IGS Workshop 2008 Handover-over of Analysis Centre (AC) responsibilities from GFZ Potsdam (Gerd Gendt) to NOAA/NGS completed January 2008 This workshop is focussing on AC issues Important: follow-up of the documented Recommendations and Conclusions (Friday session)!
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June nd IGS Governing Board Meeting Took place on Sunday 1 June 2008 Brief close-out meeting on Friday afternoon Some issues discussed: –ACC, reference frame, clock products, network –Journal of Geodesy special issue on IGS –Proposal for an Infrastructure Committee –Paper on GNSS signals and priorities for IGS –Plus 4 major areas which I come to shortly
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June Roles of the Governing Board The principal roles of the Governing Board (GB) are to set policy and to exercise broad oversight of all IGS functions and components. In developing the strategy to achieve the IGS goals in this plan, the Board placed emphasis to: –Balance GB meetings between strategic direction and technical issues –Improve mechanisms for taking technical and administrative actions –Continue policy of transparency and openness of GB discussions and decisions –Ensure diversity of the GB with respect to geographical distribution and expertise (hydrology, meteorology, climate change, economics, public policy, legal, etc.)
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June IGS Governing Board oard.html oard.html New members 2008: R. King, T. Springer, S. Schaer, R. Schmid IGS Executive Committee: Dow, Neilan, Rizos, Blewitt, Hugentobler
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June IGS as a multi-constellation service GPS, GLONASS, Galileo (Giove-A, Giove- B), … Need for more multi-GNSS stations Need for more multi-GNSS AC solutions IGS and IAG active associate members of the International Committee on GNSS (UN coordinated); 3 rd full meeting in Pasadena, December 2008
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June a. IGS Glonass Network
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June IGS Real-time Pilot Project Call for Participation summer 2007 Approval by GB December 2007 KO early 2008, ~33 participating agencies: – RT stations – ACs – users Key item for this Workshop
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June IGS reprocessing Early start by CODE AC Combined effort by GFZ, TU Muenchen, TU Dresden ESA has validated its reprocessing capability with 2007 data Essential next step in IGS product spectrum
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June IGS Strategic Plan Special session in 2006 Darmstadt WS; Planning Committee met in Pasadena Sept. 2006; SP Retreat in San Francisco Dec 2006; Plan approved by GB August 2007 Plan is available on IGS GO and IGS website gic_Plan_ gic_Plan_ Annual Implementation Plans
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June a. IGS Mission Statement The International GNSS Service provides the highest-quality GNSS data and products in support of the terrestrial reference frame, Earth observations and research, positioning, navigation and timing and other applications that benefit the scientific community and society
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June b. IGS goals Serve as the premier source of the highest-quality GNSS related standards (conventions), data and products, openly available to all user communities. Attract leading-edge expertise to pursue challenging, innovative projects in a collegial, collaborative and creative culture. Incorporate and integrate new systems, technologies, applications and changing user needs into IGS products and services. Facilitate the integration of IGS into the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) and other more broadly based Earth observing and global navigation systems and services. Maintain an international federation with committed contributions from its members, and with effective leadership, management and governance. Promote the value and benefits of IGS to society, the broader scientific community, and in particular to policy makers and funding entities.
IGS Analysis Centre Workshop Miami, 2-6 June Welcome A warm welcome to all: have a productive Workshop and an enjoyable week!