研究經驗與心得報告 報告人:陳聖賢 國立臺灣大學財務金融學系
研究主題的選取 Need to be focused Need to have significant contributions Need to be innovative
研究主題的選取 Need to be interesting Better to deal with hot issues Better to have real cases/examples
研究方法與訓練 Financial mathematics Financial econometrics Computer programming
財金資料庫的運用 TEJ Compustat CRSP SDC
財金資料庫的運用 Wall Street Journal, Lexis/Nexis, Dow Jones News Retrieval Service IBES Datastream, Worldscope, Global Vantage Data Disclosure Value Line Investment Survey
期刊投稿 Target at good journals Choose right journals If possible, work with senior researchers Write a good paper
期刊投稿 Ask professional editors to polish your papers before submission Try to present your work at well-known international conferences before submitting it to a journal Don’t lose confidence if your work is unfortunately rejected
My research experiences Research teams Quality and quantity Research support Three-dimension thought
My research experiences Working papers and papers under review Efficiency Write-up Journal submission Independence